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 Chapter IX

Leading Party Members' Groups

Article 46. A leading Party members' group may be formed in the leading body of a central or local state organ, people's organization, economic or cultural institution or other non-Party unit. The group plays the role of the core of leadership. Its main tasks are: to see to it that the Party's line, principles and policies are implemented, to discuss and decide on matters of major importance in its unit, to do well in cadre management, to rally the non-Party cadres and the masses in fulfilling the tasks assigned by the Party and the state and to guide the work of the Party organization of the unit and those directly under it.

Article 47. The composition of a leading Party members' group is decided by the Party organization that approves its establishment. The group shall have a secretary and, if necessary, deputy secretaries.

A leading Party members' group must accept the leadership of the Party organization that approves its establishment.

Article 48. Party committees may be set up in state organs which exercise centralized leadership over their subordinate units. The Central Committee of the Party shall provide the specific procedure for their establishment and define their functions, powers and tasks.

第九章 党组


第四十六条 在中央和地方国家机关、人民团体、经济组织、文化组织和其他非党组织的领导机关中,可以成立党组。党组发挥领导核心作用。党组的任务,主要是负责贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策;讨论和决定本单位的重大问题;做好干部管理工作;团结党外干部和群众,完成党和国家交给的任务;指导机关和直属单位党组织的工作。


第四十七条 党组的成员,由批准成立党组的党组织决定。党组设书记,必要时还可以设副书记。



第四十八条 对下属单位实行集中统一领导的国家工作部门可以建立党委,党委的产生办法、职权和工作任务,由中央另行规定。






