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In researching these encounters, I found they were not unique. Thanks to a tip from an amateur lepidopterist, I learned that red admirals had landed on a boy in California for three consecutive summers from 1969 until 1971.18 But in my case, the butterflies came to me in several regions and for longer periods.
It’s important to note that I had a lot of help from my wife. It was Muriel who nearly always spotted the butterflies first. It’s not surprising; Muriel sees things in nature that I regularly miss.
I’ve been touched by the reactions of friends and neighbors as well as strangers charmed by my butterfly encounters.19 People tell me their own stories about friendly birds or other animals.
And just the other evening, two red admirals circled around me in our garden. One landed on my head and shoulders on and off for more than 30 minutes.
What does it all mean? Seven years ago, after the first butterfly landed on me, I thought that a small impossibility had occurred. But given all that has happened since, I feel as though I’ve made a connection. I’m being blessed by butterflies.
18. 多亏一位业余的昆虫爱好者相告,我才知道赤蛱蝶也在加利福尼亚州一个小男孩身上连续停留了三个夏天,从1969年到1971年。amateur: 业余的,非职业的;lepidopterist: 鳞翅目昆虫学家,鳞翅目昆虫收集者;consecutive: 连续的。
19. 朋友、邻居和一些陌生人都会为我和蝴蝶邂逅的经历所着迷,他们的反应令我大为感动。
(来源:英语学习杂志 编辑:Zoe)
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