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John Nash:My first grade teacher,she told me that I was born with two helpings of brain,but only half a helping of heart. 约翰·纳什:我一年级的老师,曾经告诉我,我天生就具有两个有用的大脑。
John Nash:Classes will dull your mind.Destroy the potential for authentic creativity. 上课会让你大脑变迟钝,会毁掉富有重大创造性的潜能。
John Nash:In competitive someone always loses. 约翰·纳什:激烈的竞争力下总有人要输的。
Alicia:God must be a painter.Why else would we have so many colors?艾莉西亚:上帝一定是个画家,要不然我们怎么会有这么多的颜色。
John Nash:I don't believe in luck.But I do believe in assigning value to things. 约翰·纳什:我不相信运气,但我相信物品所决定的价值。
-Nash: Alicia, does our relationship warrant long-term commitment? 'Cause I need some kind of proof, some kind of verifiable, empirical data. 纳什:艾莉西亚,我们的关系能够成为长远的许诺吗?因为我需要一些证明,一些能够证实的事实。
-Alicia: I'm sorry. Just give me a moment to redefine my girlish notions of romance. A proof? Verifiable data. 艾莉西亚:对不起,给我点时间让我重新考虑我少女式的浪漫观念。一个证明?能证实的事实。
Um... okay. Well, how big is the universe? 嗯,好吧。那你说宇宙有多大?
-Nash: Infinite. 纳什:无限大。
-Alicia: How do you know? 艾莉西亚:你怎么知道?
-Nash: I know because all the data indicate it. 纳什:我知道是因为所有的资料都这样显示。
-Alicia: But it hasn't been proven yet? No. You haven't seen it. How do you know for sure? 艾莉西亚:但是还没有证明,对吗?没错。你还没见过。你怎么能肯定呢?
-Nash: I don't, I just believe it. 纳什:我不能肯定,我只是相信。
-Alicia: Mmm. It's the same with love, I guess. Now, the part that you don't know is if I want to marry you. 艾莉西亚:嗯。我猜这跟爱也一样。现在,你不知道的那部分就是我愿不愿意嫁给你。
Charles:Nothing's ever for sure,John.That's the only sure thing I do know. 查尔斯:约翰,没有什么事情是肯定的,这也是唯一我能肯定的事情。
Alicia:I need to believe that something extraordinary is possible. 艾莉西亚:我需要相信奇迹是可能的。
Hansen: You scared? 汉森:你害怕吗?
Nash: Sarcastically. Terrified. Mortified. Petrified. Stupefied... by you. 纳什:(讽刺地)恐惧的、苦恼的、吓呆的、麻木的…被你。
Nash: You see, I…I am crazy. I take the newer medications, but I still see things that are not here. I just choose not to acknowledge them. Like a diet of the mind, I choose not to indulge certain appetites. Like my appetite for patterns. Perhaps my appetite to imagine and to dream. 纳什:你要明白,我……我是疯的。我服用最新的药物,但我仍然看的见那些不存在的东西。我只是选择了不去理睬他们。就好像一顿心灵快餐,我选择不去纵容某些食欲。比如说我症状的食欲。还有我虚构和想象的食欲。
Nash: Thank you. I've always believed in numbers ,in the equations and logics that lead to reason.But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask, "What truly is logic? Who decides reason?"My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional -- and back.And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logical reasons can be found.I'm only here tonight because of you (his wife, Alicia). You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons.Thank you. 纳什:谢谢大家!我一直以来都坚信数字,不管是方程还是逻辑都引导我们去思考。但是在如此追求了一生后,我问自己:“逻辑到底是什么?谁决定原由?”我的探索让我从形而下到形而上,最后到了妄想症,就这样来回走了一趟。在事业上我有了重大突破,在生命中我也找到了最重要的人:只有在这种神秘的爱情方程中,才能找到逻辑或原由来。今晚我能站在这儿全是你的功劳,你是我成功的因素,也是唯一的因素。谢谢你!
(来源:沪江英语 编辑:江巍)
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