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Why Chinese people call Katy Perry 'Fruit Sister'
During the Super Bowl halftime show, Chinese Internet users were abuzz about a woman called "Fruit Sister."
“超级碗”中场秀期间,中国的网友们热议一个名叫“水果姐(Fruit Sister)”的女人。
Sounds mysterious, but you already know who she is. "Fruit Sister," or "shui guo jie," is what people in China call Katy Perry -- referring to her tendency to wear fruit costumes and bring giant fruit with her on stage.
乍听之下令人有些费解,但你应该已经知道她是谁了。中国人将凯蒂・佩里(Katy Perry)称之为“水果姐”——用来指代她喜欢穿水果礼服,表演时也爱将巨大的水果带上舞台的习惯。
In the past, the pop star has performed in sparkly watermelon-cup bras, sung while holding a large inflatable strawberry and even burst out of a giant banana.
She's also talked about growing and eating her own fruit, so it's a pretty fair nickname.
But "Fruit Sister" isn't the only Western celeb to get an interesting Chinese alias. Here are a few others and the stories behind them:
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