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CHINADAILY手机报 2017-02-02 09:00



8. The Giver by Lois Lowry
《赐予者》 洛伊丝·劳里著


"The Giver" begins in a very interesting way and catches the attention of readers from the beginning. It has easy-to-understand grammar. Most of the grammar is just past simple and past perfect. All of the sentences are short. This is a longer book. It's really easy though, so you'll finish it quickly.


Jonas is a young boy. He lives a very safe life with a lot of orders and rules. There are many rules and everyone follows them. They don't often make a decision by themselves. But Jonas soon learns some truths about the people in the community. He comes to understand that this kind of life is unfair. He wants to allow people to make their own choices. Jonas comes up with an interesting plan to change the community. He decides he needs to move the community to another place. In his plan, they are able to live a good and fair life.


9. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
《数星星》 露易丝·劳瑞著


This is a realistic novel. It's based on history. Unlike other historical literature, it's easy to understand. If you already know a lot of information about World War II, this might be an interesting book for you. It's not recommended if you don't know too much about the World Wars. In this case, you will be focusing on trying to understand the facts too much so you will not enjoy the book as much.


This is a story of hope and courage. The year is 1943 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The area has been taken over by Hitler's army. There are soldiers everywhere. The life of 10-year-old Annemarie has changed a lot. There is little food and everyone is very scared. There is talk about moving all of the Jewish people to another place. This is difficult for Annemarie because her best friend, Ellen, is Jewish.

This is a different book about the war. It shows it was not only the Jewish people who suffered during the war. Annemarie's family lost their eldest daughter, Lise, a few weeks before her wedding. Annemarie will later do what her sister, Lise, did. She will join the resistance party to fight against the Nazis. She ends up being a heroine for a few reasons (which I will not tell you because I don't want to ruin the story).

10. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'engle


This book has a mix of shorter and longer sentences. The short sentences allow the readers to relax a little bit more. They also create the scene well and let you know what is happening through simple words. There is a lot of vocabulary to learn. It is a good book if you've already got experience reading novels in English. Make sure you have your vocabulary notebook with you, just in case there are any cool words that you'd like to learn. This book has MANY!


Meg is 14-years-old. Everyone sees her as a troublemaker. They think she's a bad student. Everyone in her family seems to be perfect. Her mom is a very beautiful scientist. Her twin brothers are very athletic. And her little 5-year-old brother, Charles Wallace Murry, is a child genius and can often read the mind of Meg.

Meg and her brother meet a friend. Calvin O'Keefe is a high school junior student. Meg and Calvin begin to like each other. Charles suddenly announces that they should focus on finding their father who is lost somewhere in the universe. Eventually they find their dad, but not without drama. Along the way, Meg learns to love. She uses this new love to help them escape.

(来源:CHINADAILY手机报 编辑:丁一)

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