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'Cat people' and 'dog people' are so different that it can affect everything from your job to your hobbies
"Are you a cat person or a dog person?"
The whole cats versus dogs saga has been going on forever. We tend to use the answer to the aforementioned question to separate people into two different groups: cat people or dog people. In the past, it's never really been clear just how much someone's choice of pet actually says about their personality or their lifestyle.
Now, a Mars Petcare survey of 1,000 dog owners vs. 1,000 cat owners is providing more concrete proof as to the differences between cat and dog people. It turns out that your preferred pet actually might say much more about you than a curious blind date or personality quiz ever anticipated.
现在,Mars Petcare对1000名狗主人和1000名猫主人的调查为“猫奴”和“狗奴”的不同提供了更确凿的证据。调查结果显示,你偏爱的宠物可能比一场奇怪的相亲或个性测试更能反映你的情况。
According to the survey, dog owners tend to have a higher average income of $47,000.
This is good because they also spend an estimated 33% more on clothes or accessories for their pets, as well as 26% more on entertainment than cat owners. Luckily, dog owners are able to handle the expenses and plan their spending, because they're twice as likely to work in finance, according to the survey.
Meanwhile, cat owners are apparently more creative than dog owners.
They're more likely to enjoy documentaries, musicals, books, and gardening than dog people, who prefer action movies and traveling as well as activities like running, yoga, and dancing.
The difference in activity levels could be explained by the fact that 45% of dog owners said that their lives are improved through exercise with their pets. Though cats aren't great at hitting the downward dog or busting a move, more of their owners admitted that they tell their pets their thoughts and secrets, which in turn may be why more cat owners credit their pets for reducing their stress.
You can view more from the survey below:
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