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Keeping mum《保持缄默》精讲之五
[ 2008-04-25 19:09 ]


文化面面观 旅游胜地——古国墨西哥

考考你 一展身手



Lance: Hey. So... I have been up every night thinking. If we only ever get one chance for true happiness in our entire lives, Gloria, that nobody should ever die without having found it.

Gloria: I'm not alone.

Lance: Huh?

Gloria: I'm not alone.

Lance: Oh. So, I talked to my guy, and Mexicois on. I got a date tomorrow.

Gloria: What?

Lance: I told you, when I move fast...

Gloria: Oh, that's too fast, change it.

Lance: I can't, the ticket's are booked.

Gloria: Change the tickets.

Lance: Honey, they're booked.

Gloria: You can't change them?

Lance: Gloria, this is everything we've been dreaming of.

Gloria: And the hotel?

Lance: Hotel's perfect.

Gloria: On the beach, like you said?

Lance: Of course! I mean, walking distance, I mean seconds.

Gloria: The best hotels are on the beach, Lance.

Lance: Gloria, this is so much better than a hotel.

Gloria: For fuck's sake, it's a time-share.

Grace: Here we are.

Gloria: Oh, Grace! Grace, this is Lance, my golf instructor. Lance, this is Grace, our housekeeper.

Lance: It is very nice to meet you, Grace. Gloria has told me all about you.

Grace: You're American.

Gloria: Yes.

Lance: That obvious, huh?

Grace: Well, please don't let me interrupt you.

Lance: Oh, sorry.

Gloria: We just talked about our next session, our next practise session of golf. Weren't we, Lance?

Lance: Right, practise session.

Gloria: We can talk about it later, can't we?

Lance: Well, actually... I kind of need to know now.

Gloria: It can't wait?

Lance: It's all confirmed.

Gloria: Well, I have concerns.

Lance: What... kind of concerns?

Gloria: I just want to make sure we have the right equipment, you know, the right kit. I'm not sure we have the right wood.

Lance: Hey, you are talking to me. You do not have to worry yourself about the wood. Yes or no, Gloria?

Gloria: Alright.

Lance: Okay. Good.

Grace: It was nice to meet you, Lance.

Lance: It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Grace. About 5 o'clock? The place? The usual place?

Gloria: Okay.

Lance: Okay, well, you ladies, have a lovely lunch.


1. be on

这里的意思是“已经开始了”,Lance是说他们去墨西哥度假的计划已经开始进行了。比如:The party is on. 聚会已经开始了。

2. I mean, walking distance, I mean seconds.

“我是说,走着就能到,没多远”。Waling distance 和 seconds 这里都是强调“距离近”。




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