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The Holiday《恋爱假期》精讲之二

[ 2010-10-20 12:23]     字号 [] [] []  
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精彩对白:And remember when they used to say that single women over the age of 35 were more likely to be killed by a terrorist than to get married? Okay, that was horrible, but now our generation is also not getting married, and, bonus, real terrorists actually became part of our lives, so the stress of it all shows up on our faces, making us look haggard while Ethan goes on looking cute forever and shtupping his 24-year-old receptionist! Oh, my God!

换屋度假 House Swapping

The Holiday《恋爱假期》精讲之二
The Holiday《恋爱假期》精讲之二

House swapping is the practice that refers to the swapping of homes on a temporary or more permanent basis. Although its origins stem from low-cost vacation accommodation and are believed to date back to 1953, there has been an increase in house swapping due to the slow-down in the United States real estate market. Less frequently, it may be used as a method of avoiding violence in war-torn areas.

House swapping is believed to have developed in the 1950s, but rose to prominence in the 1970s as more people got involved and considered it to be a viable vacation option. Some estimates indicate that 15-20% of travelers are participating in some form of house swapping. Summer is traditionally the peak season for house swapping, due to families traveling during summer vacations and house swapping allows families to try out a location for a short period of time while saving money over the traditional vacation costs and allowing them to take vacations that they may otherwise be unable to afford. It's estimated that families can save approximately $5,000 by swapping their homes instead of booking hotels and rental cars, although the perception and listing of the home may not always match reality, and some may be uncomfortable with others using their home. Not all travelers are interested in house swapping solely to save money, but they also see it as a means of meeting locals, seeing relatively un-touristed regions and experiencing local culture. The internet has made the process of finding a swap significantly easier with a number of websites devoted to house swapping. (Source: Wikipedia)


1. 我们歇手休息了几分钟。

2. 随着年龄增大,她变得形容枯槁。

3. 他患中风之后成了不能自理的废人。

4. 你不觉得那听起来很富有诗情画意吗?

The Holiday《恋爱假期》精讲之一 参考答案

1. The inexplicable disappearance of the woman worried everyone.

2. I forgot the name of the blooming woman.

3. Bob is down to the wire on his project.

4. As a tribute to Valentine's Day, she wrote a poem about her unrequited love.

精彩对白:And remember when they used to say that single women over the age of 35 were more likely to be killed by a terrorist than to get married? Okay, that was horrible, but now our generation is also not getting married, and, bonus, real terrorists actually became part of our lives, so the stress of it all shows up on our faces, making us look haggard while Ethan goes on looking cute forever and shtupping his 24-year-old receptionist! Oh, my God!




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