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Diary of a Wimpy Kid《小屁孩日记》精讲之三

[ 2011-07-12 15:26]     字号 [] [] []  
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万圣节 Halloween




Coach: Well, I don't know where you put it, Heffley, but you gained 10 pounds and joined the Bulldog class.

Greg: Yes.

Rowley: I thought you didn't gain any weight this week.

Greg: My mom's ankle weights.

Coach: All right, bulldog Heffley. Meet your new opponent.

Greg: What? But this is boys' wrestling.

Patty: Ever hear of Title IX?

Coach: Her parents threatened to sue, so you show her what it's like to wrestle a real live boy.

Patty: Come on! What you waiting for, huh? Don't be such a wuss, Heffley. Make your move!

Greg: She's a girl! Where do I grab her?

Patty: Stay down!

Angie: Patty, over here!

Greg: Get off of me!

Patty: Can I wrestle somebody good now?


Angie: Well, look who's in the paper.

Rowley: Greg! You're famous! Right on the front page!

Greg: And if I would have pinned her, which I could have done easily, you know I would have gotten in trouble for hurting a girl.

Rowley: Why does she even want to wrestle?

Greg: Who knows? Girls are very confusing. Like today, I heard someone in the hallway say that Bryce Anderson has a cute butt. What does that even mean?

Rowley: A butt can't be cute. It's a butt.

Greg: I know, but that's what they were saying. I don't see why girls our age can't talk just like regular people.

Rowley: So how are you gonna become a class favorite now?

Greg: Two words. Best Dressed.

Rowley: How are you going to do that?

Greg: Fashion is easy. You wear a shirt and a tie, and kids are impressed. I'm telling you, this is gonna work.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid《小屁孩日记》精讲之三

Greg: I told you I was wearing this.

Rowley: I know! I wanted to be matchers!

Classmates: Check them out! Greg and Rowley sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love...

Greg: You know, maybe Rodrick was right about Rowley. Maybe I do need a new best friend. But I can't just ditch him. I mean, if anybody has a better idea, I'd love to hear it.


Brock: In this school, much like your own, one boy is about to learn an important lesson about self-worth and esteem.

Girl in the TV: Gag me with a spoon. That guy is so unpopular, I'd hate to be him.

Fat guy in the TV: Why doesn't anybody like me?

Brock: Maybe because they don't know how awesome you really are.

Fat guy in the TV: Brock Branigan P.I.! What are you doing here?

Brock: I'm here to solve the case of the boy who just needed to be himself. So go for it! Show them how awesome you really are!

Fat guy in the TV: Hey, guys. Do you like break dancing?

Girl in the TV: That is totally rad!

The girl’s boyfriend: Wicked. You should sit with us at lunch, friend.

Fat guy in the TV: Sweet! It really is awesome to be me! Thanks, Brock.

Teacher: Okay. Let's talk about what we've learned.

Greg: I don't know about anyone else, but I know what I learned. It is awesome to be me. The problem with Rowley is that he's not enough like me. I can't ditch him 'cause he'd be lost without me. But maybe I can fix him. Because that's the kind of friend I am.

Rowley: What are you doing?

Greg: Making your clothes more middle-school friendly. Look at this stuff. Too babyish and weird. Too "Why don't you just punch me now?" What are you, a foreign exchange student? Oh, man. This one we burn.

Rowley: That was a present from my mom.

Greg: Well, then your mom is trying to get you killed. Ready? Steady. Go. No, no, no. You look like one of the Seven Dwarfs. You only need one strap. One strap is cool.

Rowley: But there's two straps. Why would they put on two straps if you're only supposed to use one?

Greg: Because the guys who make backpacks aren't cool. If they were cool, they'd give it one strap, like the cool one-strap guys do. You know what has one strap? Machine guns. You know what else? Electric guitars. You know what else?

Rowley: Purses? But Joshie is cool.

Greg: Rowley, Joshie is not cool. He's a lip-synching pop star whose fans are eight-year-old girls.

Rowley: You're just jealous that I was the one who discovered him.

Greg: Who are you gonna listen to, Rowley? Me or Joshie?

Rowley: Joshie says to respect your parents and follow your dreams.

Greg: Then Joshie must get beaten up a lot. You actually almost look as good as me. Am I great at this or what? There's Bryce Anderson. Just be cool. Hey, Bryce.

Rowley: Yeah, hey, Bryce! Cute butt!

Greg: You're killing me, you know that? Look, Rowley, tonight's Halloween, our favorite night of the year, so, just promise me you won't wear, do or say anything weird. (Open the door) You're kidding me, right?

Rowley: My mom wanted me to be visible at night.

Greg: From space?

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. ankle weights: 踝沙袋。

2. wuss: 蠢驴;草包;软弱无用的人;懦夫。

3. pin: 使不能动弹;按住。看一下例句:They pinned him against the wall.(他们把他按在墙上使他不能动弹。)

4. ditch: 抛弃。看一下例子:She got bored with her boyfriend and ditched him.(她对男友感到厌烦, 于是甩掉了他。)在表示“甩掉某人”时也可以用dump somebody。

5. Gag me with a spoon: <美国俚语> 令我恶心,我快吐了。看一下例子:Gag me with a spoon! Please don't tell me such disgusting stories any more.(我快吐了!请别再告诉我这么恶心的故事了。)

6. awesome: 很好,棒极了,了不起。

7. go for it: 努力争取;大胆一试。请看例子:It looked like something I wanted to do, so I decided to go for it.(这看上去像是我想做的事情,所以我打算试一试。)

8. break dancing: 霹雳舞(掺入杂技动作,常在街头表演)。“霹雳舞”动感和节奏感非常强烈,跳起来可以尽情尽兴。它的表现形式很多:有头转、背顶、旋滚等,而且速度快、姿势优美。

9. rad: 非常棒的;精彩的。

10. wicked: 极好的;很棒的。wicked常用的意思有“邪恶的;淘气的”等。例如:You are being wicked again.(你又在恶作剧了。)

11. lip-synching: 对口型假唱。

万圣节 Halloween


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