[ 2007-05-16 13:55 ]
请看《中国日报》相关报道:Two proposed policy changes in city management have the potential to make city life more livable if implemented with patience and wisdom.
The first would allowstreet vendorsin cities as long as they follow certain rules and the second is that companies would be allowed to operate their businesses in non-commercial properties.
报道中的“street vendor”指的就是“街头摊贩”。
“Vendor”在此指(在街头设摊或推车叫卖的)“小贩”,由动词“vend”(沿街叫卖)衍生而来,如:He vends fruit from a cart.(他推着车沿路叫卖水果。)
此外,我们日常说的“自动售货机”可表达为“vending machine”。