明星和粉丝,似乎已经是无处不在的话题。有狂热粉丝会为偶像明星自杀,也会有体贴的明星走到哪里都带着自己的“妈妈团”。其实,喜欢或欣赏某个明星是很正常的,只是,如果这种喜爱程度过深而演变成病态,患上celebrity worship syndrome,那就需要注意了。
In this media-saturated world, celebrity is a growing new power. It manipulates taste, fashion and advertising. It is all-pervasive. There has even been a mental illness invented to describe those who follow celebrities too closely. It is called celebrity worship syndrome and its sufferers dedicate their lives to the chosen subject of their affection.
Did you weep for the King of Pop Michael Jackson’s death? Or perhaps an actor losing out on an Oscar made you cry. Did you retreat to your special room to pay homage to the dozens of photos of your favorite star? If you did, you could be suffering from CWS — celebrity worship syndrome.
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 编辑)