中拉全面合作伙伴关系(China-Latin America comprehensive cooperative partnership):2014年7月17日,中国-拉美和加勒比国家领导人会晤在巴西利亚举行。习近平主席同与会各国领导人一致决定建立平等互利、共同发展的中拉全面合作伙伴关系,共同宣布成立中国-拉共体论坛。
中美新型大国关系(new type of major-country relationship between the US and China):2015年9月17日,习近平主席在会见出席第七轮中美工商领袖和前高官对话的美方代表时表示,中国将致力于同美方共同构建中美新型大国关系。新型大国关系(new model/type of major power relationship)是以相互尊重(mutual respect)、互利共赢(mutual benefit and win-win)的合作伙伴关系为核心特征的大国关系,是崛起国(developing country)和既成大国(developed country)之间处理冲突和矛盾的新方式。
中英全面战略伙伴关系(China-UK comprehensive strategic partnership):2015年10月,习近平主席访问英国时,双方就双边关系(bilateral relations)及重大国际和地区热点问题深入交换意见,并达成重要共识(important consensus),决定开启持久(enduring)、开放(inclusive)、共赢(win-win)的中英关系“黄金时代”(a golden era)。
中巴全天候战略合作伙伴关系(China-Pakistan all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation):2015年4月20日,习近平主席在伊斯兰堡同巴基斯坦总理谢里夫举行会谈。双方一致同意将中巴关系提升为全天候战略合作伙伴关系,不断充实中巴命运共同体内涵,致力于中巴世代友好。
中沙全面战略伙伴关系(China-Saudi Arabia comprehensive strategic partnership):2016年1月19日,习近平主席在利雅得同沙特阿拉伯国王萨勒曼举行会谈。两国元首积极评价中沙关系发展,就双边关系和共同关心的国际和地区问题深入交换意见,达成广泛共识,共同宣布建立中沙全面战略伙伴关系,推动双边关系深入发展,取得更大合作成果。
中瑞创新战略伙伴关系(China-Switzerland innovative strategic partnership):2016年4月8日,习近平主席在人民大会堂同瑞士联邦主席施奈德•阿曼举行会谈,两国元首一致决定建立中瑞创新战略伙伴关系,瑞士成为中国首个创新战略伙伴关系国。这是对中瑞双边关系具有丰富而深刻内涵以及重要意义的肯定,开拓创新精神是中瑞关系发展的突出特点(the pioneering and innovative spirit is a distinct feature of China-Switzerland relations)。
中以创新全面伙伴关系(China-Israel innovative comprehensive partnership):2017年3月21日,习近平主席会见以色列总理内塔尼亚胡,宣布双方建立创新全面伙伴关系。中国作为世界经济大国,正在实施创新驱动发展战略(the innovation-driven development strategy),以色列在创新、研发领域具有全球公认的领先地位(world-renowned and leading country in innovation, research and development)。继续深化中以合作仍有巨大潜力,双方在相互尊重和平等基础上致力于开拓和深化创新合作符合两国和两国人民的根本利益,对两国发展具有深远意义。
中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系(China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination):2017年7月4日,习近平主席在莫斯科克里姆林宫同俄罗斯总统普京举行会谈。两国元首决定携手努力,巩固和发展平等信任、相互支持、共同繁荣、世代友好的中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系,更好惠及两国人民和各国人民。
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President Xi Jinping meets with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Sept 3, 2017, in Xiamen, Fujian province. [Photo/Xinhua] |
In the past five years, President Xi Jinping has visited Russia six times, bringing the number of meetings between the heads of state to more than 20.
China and Russia also made breakthroughs in cooperation on natural gas pipelines, high-speed railways, aerospace and other major projects, in addition to coordination in multilateral mechanisms.
The strategic coordination between China and Russia has contributed to regional stability and world peace.
2013年中美元首在美国安纳伯格庄园会晤、2014年在北京会晤。2015年9月22日至25日,习近平主席应时任美国总统奥巴马的邀请对美国进行国事访问。双方达成广泛共识,取得了一系列重要成果,其中包括,积极发展中美新型大国关系(the new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States)、在多个领域进行双边务实合作(bilateral practical cooperation)、在不同层级上深化亚太事务对话,努力构建双方在亚太积极互动、包容合作的关系(deepen dialogue on Asia-Pacific affairs at various levels, endeavor to build a relationship of positive interaction and inclusive cooperation in the Asia-Pacific)等。
2017年4月6日,习近平主席与美国总统特朗普在加州海湖庄园(Mar-a-Lago)会晤。会晤期间,中美建立了外交安全对话(Diplomatic and Security Dialogue)、全面经济对话(Comprehensive Economic Dialogue)、执法及网络安全对话(Law Enforcement and Cyber Security Dialogue)、社会和人文对话(Social and Cultural Dialogue)4个高级别对话合作机制。
海湖庄园会晤后仅1个月时间,中美双方宣布,已就经济合作百日计划(100-day plan in economic cooperation)早期收获达成10项共识,涉及农业、金融、能源等多个领域(sectors of agriculture, finance and energy);2017年6月,首轮中美外交安全对话在华盛顿举行;7月,首轮中美全面经济对话举行。
Over 100 countries and international organizations have supported and got involved in this initiative. Important resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly and Security Council contain reference to it.
China has signed cooperation agreements with over 40 countries and international organizations and carried out framework cooperation on production capacity with more than 30 countries.
China's investment in other Belt and Road countries has surpassed US$50 billion. Chinese companies have set up 56 economic cooperation zones in over 20 countries, generating some US$1.1 billion of tax revenue and 180,000 jobs for them.
China has engaged in multiple forms of financial cooperation with countries and organizations involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has provided US$1.7 billion of loans for 9 projects in Belt and Road participating countries. The Silk Road Fund has made US$4 billion of investment, and the 16+1 financial holding company between China and Central and Eastern European countries has been inaugurated.
Every year, the Chinese government provides 10,000 government scholarships to the relevant countries. China's local governments have also set up special Silk Road scholarships to encourage international cultural and educational exchanges.
中国公民护照 (图片来源:新华网)
A total of 131 countries have, by the end of July 2017, signed agreements with China on various kinds of mutual visa exemptions. Chinese citizens holding national passports in overseas trips can enjoy visa exemption or visa upon arrival in 64 countries and regions.
China has actively participated in regional cooperation mechanisms including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO); ASEAN-China dialogue; ASEAN-China, Japan and Republic of Korea (ROK) (10+3) dialogue; East Asia Summit; China-Japan-ROK cooperation and Lancang-Mekong Cooperation.
China provided $120 million worth of materials and funding and dispatched more than 1,200 medical personnel and public health specialists to the areas affected by Ebola.
Currently there are some 2,500 Chinese peacekeepers serving in 10 UN missions across the globe, making China the top contributor of peacekeepers to the UN. China is also the second largest contributor to UN peacekeeping funds.
In view of recent developments on the Korean Peninsula, China has put forward the proposal of "suspension for suspension", which builds on the "dual-track" approach we proposed earlier. The "dual-track" approach aims to promote parallel progress in denuclearization and the establishment of a peace mechanism on the Peninsula in a synchronized and reciprocal manner, ultimately achieving both goals simultaneously. The "suspension for suspension" proposal, which calls for the suspension of nuclear and missile activities by the DPRK and the suspension of massive military exercises by the US and the ROK, seeks to bring the two sides back to the negotiating table, thus initiating the first step of the "dual-track" approach.
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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