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2. 超强台风
super typhoon
Typhoon Meranti, registered as a super typhoon before losing strength after sweeping across southern Taiwan, made landfall in the early hours of Thursday near Xiamen, Fujian.
15日是中秋佳节,厦门等地却遭遇今年以来全球最强台风(the strongest typhoon so far this year in the world)"莫兰蒂"(Meranti)的袭击。这也是1949年以来闽南地区遭遇的最强台风(the strongest typhoon to hit southern Fujian since 1949)。据悉,台风"莫兰蒂"登陆时的最大风力高达48米/秒(with top gales up to 48 meters per second)。目前,它已给多地造成重大经济损失(cause great economic loss),使上百万人受灾。
14日,"莫兰蒂"率先登陆台湾,致岛内1人死亡、51人受伤,近百万户家庭停电(cut the electricity supply to nearly 1m households)。15日凌晨3时5分,"莫兰蒂"在厦门翔安沿海登陆。台风过境后,厦门街道一片狼藉(be in a mess):大风将树木连根拔起(the wind uproot trees),使多个社区供水中断(disrupt water supplies for many communities)、逾320万户家庭停电(more than 3.2m households have no electricity)。南昌铁路局(the railway authorities in Nanchang)为应对台风"莫兰蒂"的侵袭,启动了防洪防台II级应急响应(emergent response)并决定停运旅客列车188列。
台风"莫兰蒂"还使福建多地受到不同程度的影响。14日,福建沿海六个区市的中小学、幼儿园因台风停课一天(suspend classes for a day)。台风还造成多地水位暴涨(the water level soared),泉州市永春县一座有着871年历史的廊桥被洪水冲毁(be destroyed by the flood)。这座"通仙桥"始建于南宋绍兴十五年(公元1145年),是省级重点文物保护单位(major heritage site protected at the provincial level)。
民政部(the Ministry of Civil Affairs)称,截至目前,台风"莫兰蒂"已造成福建省至少3人死亡、4人失踪,约460万人受灾(be affected by the disaster),直接经济损失达5.07亿元(cause direct economic losses of RMB507m)。受其影响,15日,江苏、上海、浙江、江西等地均相继出现了大暴雨(rainstorm)或特大暴雨(heavy downpour)。据中央气象台(the Central Meteorological Station)分析,随着"莫兰蒂"向内陆推进,其风力将持续减弱(continue to lose strength as it pushes inland)。
台风眼 typhoon eye
台风警报 typhoon warning
飓风 hurricane
龙卷风 tornado
气象观测 meteorological observation
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