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6. 国会议员
Member of Parliament
Former British prime minister David Cameron has resigned as a Conservative Member of Parliament two months after he quit as prime minister in the wake of the June Brexit referendum.
戴维·卡梅伦12日宣布辞去保守党议员一职,理由是他不想让新任首相特里莎·梅"分神"(be a "distraction" for new Prime Minister Theresa May)。卡梅伦在近三个月时间里先后辞去了首相和国会议员(Member of Parliament, MP)的职位,彻底结束了自己的政治生涯(end his political career)。现年49岁的卡梅伦2001年首次当选保守党议员,2010年出任英国首相,成为近200年来英国最年轻的首相(the youngest British prime minister in nearly 200 years)。
卡梅伦在接受英国广播公司采访时(during his interview with the BBC)称:"整个夏天,我都在仔细考虑这件事,斟酌了很久。我最终认为,正确的决定就是不再担任威特尼选区议员(the right thing to do is to stand down as the member of parliament for Witney)。"谈及辞去议员职务(resign from his seat in parliament)的原因,卡梅伦表示,是因为不想对新政府的工作造成干扰。他称:"根据我对现代政治的看法(in my view with modern politics),在我辞去首相职务的背景下,身为前首相基本不可能再当一名称职的后座议员(proper backbench MP)。在我看来,新政府为国家服务时,我做的每件事都将成为重大的精力分散点和巨大的干扰(become a big distraction and a big diversion)。"
卡梅伦称,他还没"拿定主意"(have not made any "firm decisions")接下来要做什么,但他想继续投身于公共事务(continue to contribute to public life)。卡梅伦还表达了对梅的支持。他表示,梅"开局相当不错(get off to a cracking start)",相信在她强有力的领导下,英国将继续繁荣。梅对卡梅伦的决定表示非常理解(be very understanding to his decision)并向这位前首相表达敬意,称在其领导下,英国不仅保持经济稳定(keep economy stable),并进行了重大的社会改革(make great strides in delivering serious social reform)。多位保守党议员(several Conservative MPs)也纷纷在社交媒体上表示,卡梅伦是一位卓越、出众的首相,他的卸任是英国议会的重大损失。
弹劾 impeachment
复职 reinstate
临时总统 interim president
脱欧公投 Brexit referendum
英国工党 Labor Party
影子内阁 shadow cabinet
英国国会上议院 House of Lords
英国国会下议院 House of Commons
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