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3. 产科床位
maternity/obstetrics bed
China will offer more maternity beds and train more professionals to meet the growing demand for maternity resources, the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) announced Tuesday.
27日,国家卫计委召开加强生育全程基本医疗保健服务(basic health care services)视频会议(teleconference),要求着力缓解产科"一床难求"问题,力争"十三五"时期增加产科床位8.9万张、增加产科医生和助产士14万名(have 140,000 more obstetricians and midwives)。全面两孩政策实施(the adoption of the universal second-child policy)半年来,生育需求增长迅速,优质资源供给不足(shortage of high quality resources),专业技术人员短缺(lack of professionals),妇幼健康资源的数量、质量面临新的挑战(face new challenges in the quantity and quality of maternal and child health resources)。
卫计委副主任(deputy head of the NHFPC)马晓伟表示,各地要迅速摸清现有产科服务资源底数(figure out the reserves of current obstetric services),调整优化(make adjustment and optimization),提高现有资源使用效率(make more efficient use of the current resources)。探索"分级建档制度(registration system at hospitals)",引导孕妇合理选择建档机构,建立孕妇建档中心,帮助孕妇得到及时有效的(timely and effective)妇幼保健服务。在有条件的高校探索开设大学本科助产专业(explore setting up midwifery as an undergraduate major at qualified institutions)。实施助产士转岗培训计划。在绩效工资(merit pay)内部分配等方面对产科医师、助产士、护士等给予政策倾斜(enjoy preferential policies)。卫计委还要求改善产前和产后服务、增设孕产妇和新生儿急救中心(call for better pre- and post-natal services and more emergency centers for maternal and pediatric treatment)。
高危妊娠 high-risk pregnancy
婚前体检 pre-marriage medical check-up
产检 pregnancy check-up
产前保健 antenatal care
产假 maternity leave
代孕妈妈 surrogate mother
分娩 childbearing
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