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5. 总统大选辩论
presidential debate
The first of three presidential debates between the Democratic and Republican nominees, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, was held Monday at Hofstra University in New York.
这是两位总统候选人的首次一对一辩论(the first-ever one-on-one debate between the two candidates),持续90分钟,期间没有商业广告(the debate last 90 minutes without commercial breaks)。辩论分为美国方向(America's direction)、实现繁荣(achieving prosperity)、保障美国安全(securing America)三个主题,美国全国广播公司《夜间新闻》主播莱斯特·霍尔特(Lester Holt)担任提问主持人(moderator)。
唇枪舌战中,希拉里抨击特朗普不仅逃税,还是性别歧视主义者和种族主义者(Clinton blast Trump for dodging taxes and being sexist and racist),而特朗普则说希拉里没有总统相(lack a presidential look)。希拉里嘲笑特朗普把气候变化称为中国人发明的骗局(call climate change a hoax invented by the Chinese),特朗普则攻击希拉里在使用私人电邮服务器一事上缺乏判断力(lack judgment regarding her use of a private email server)。
辩论结束后,美国有线电视新闻网的民调显示,希拉里在两人的首次正面交锋中占据上风(Hillary Clinton was the winner of their first face-off)。她不仅准备充分(well-prepared),作为一名辩论老手也更有场上经验(as a veteran debater, Clinton has more stage experience),但特朗普也在整场辩论中控制住了容易激动的性格,在压力下保持了冷静(keep calm and cool under pressure)。
美国的总统大选辩论不仅仅是两位候选人的施政方针孰优孰劣的交锋(a contest of which candidate has better policies),还要看谁展现出的个性和气质(character and temperament)更符合观众对于总统的期待。1960年,共和党人尼克松对阵民主党人肯尼迪的总统大选辩论首次面向美国全国电视直播。据说,通过广播收听那场辩论的人认为两人不相上下(radio listeners thought the debate had been a tie),然而电视观众却普遍认为尼克松输了(Nixon was widely deemed loser of the debate),因为他的西装松松垮垮,又时不时大汗淋漓(a baggy suit and constant sweating),相较之下,肯尼迪则着装得体,表现沉稳自如(well-dressed and poised)。
总统候选人 presidential candidate
不相上下 go head to head
陈词滥调 cliche
虚伪 falsehood
不正直 dishonesty
电视真人秀明星 reality TV star
个人所得税申报表 income tax return
上一篇 : 一周热词榜(9.17-23)
下一篇 : 一周热词榜(10.8-14)
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