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4. 网购退货办法
refund policy for online shopping
The State Administration for Industry and Commerce issued a draft refund policy for online shopping on Tuesday. The policy was issued to solicit public opinion.
《网络购买商品七日无理由退货实施办法(征求意见稿)》中规定,消费者网购商品七天内可无理由退货(refund products purchased online without providing any reason within seven days),但是要承担退货运费(be responsible for the return shipping fee)。此次七天无理由退货办法不仅涉及网络购物(online shopping),消费者通过电视购物、电话购物以及邮购(TV shopping, telephone shopping and postal shopping)等方式购买商品,也参照该办法执行。
《征求意见稿》拟将网购七天无理由退货不适用范围限定为:定制商品(custom-made products);鲜活易腐的商品(fresh or perishable goods);在线下载或者消费者拆封的音像制品、计算机软件等数字化商品(audiovisual products downloaded online or unfolded, digital products like computer software);交付的报纸、期刊(newspapers and periodicals);经消费者在购买时确认,拆封后易导致商品性质改变、影响人身安全或者生命健康的商品(products that change or undermine people's safety and health once unpacked);一经激活或者试用后价值贬损较大的商品(products largely devalued after activated or used);销售时已明示的临近保质期的商品、有瑕疵的商品(products that the customer is aware will soon expire or are flawed before buying)。
此外,《征求意见稿》还规定消费者退回的商品应当完好(returned products is supposed to remain in good condition)。消费者退货时应当将商品本身、配件及赠品一并退回(any accessories or gifts from the merchant must be returned together with the purchased products)。如果赠品不能一并退回,经营者可以要求消费者按市场价支付赠品价款。
购物车 shopping cart
电商平台 e-commerce platform
假货 counterfeit goods
货到付款 cash on delivery
团购 group buying
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