中国日报网 2019-06-30 10:00

大熊猫国际形象 global representative of China's giant pandas
A Pu, a cartoon image of a young male panda who loves playing table tennis, has become the official global representative of China's giant pandas.

由五洲传播中心与中国大熊猫保护研究中心联合主办的“中国大熊猫国际形象设计全球招募大赛(China Giant Panda Global Image Design Competition)”于今年2月上线启动,收到来自22个国家的2023份优秀作品( 2,023 works recruited globally from 22 countries)。长着爱心眼圈、身穿红色短袖的卡通熊猫“阿璞”得票最高。
We gave A Pu the identity of a young male panda who will soon be a freshman in college and loves playing table tennis. A Pu wears a red T-shirt on which an image of his favorite food-bamboo shoot-can be seen. The eyes of A Pu are heart-shaped, suggesting sentiments of love and caring.
The name A Pu is similar to the pronunciation of "up", as the theme of the competition is "UPanda, signifying the vitality of the young generation".
主办方认为,“阿璞”贴合大赛“中国大熊猫,世界新青年(Chinese Giant Panda and world's new generation)”的主题,呈现和代表越来越国际化的中国新青年:朝气、活力、乐观、自信、爱分享的国际风貌(common qualities shared by today's Chinese young people: dynamics, vitality, optimism, self-confidence, spirit of sharing)。
The image of A Pu will be widely promoted as the official icon of China's giant pandas through cooperation with entertainment and sports companies and will be a bridge connecting China with the rest of the world.
科创板 STAR Market
China inaugurated its Nasdaq-like STAR Market, also known as the sci-tech innovation board, at the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Thursday, kicking off the country's much-anticipated capital market reform.
上海证券交易所科创板的英文名为SSE STAR Market,其中SSE代表Shanghai Stock Exchange,而STAR则是从Sci-Tech innovAtion boaRd中各取了一个字母,STAR一词本身有“星星、明星、主演”之意,该缩写寓意着未来科创板如一颗冉冉升起的新星。
股市中的其他各种板包括:主板(mainboard)、中小板(SME board)、创业板(growth enterprise market, GEM)等。

The new market will support tech companies that are in line with the national strategies, make breakthroughs in core technologies and are well accepted by the market to grow stronger, Yi Huiman, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), said at the launching ceremony of the sci-tech innovation board at the Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai.
We will launch a science and technology innovation board at the Shanghai Stock Exchange and experiment with a registration system for listed companies. We will also support Shanghai in cementing its position as an international financial center and a hub of science and innovation, and steadily improve the fundamental institutions of its capital market.
2019年1月30日,中国证监会发布《关于在上海证券交易所设立科创板并试点注册制的实施意见》,意见指出科创板将重点支持新一代信息技术(new generation information technology)、高端装备(advanced equipment)、新材料(new materials)、新能源(new energy)、节能环保(energy conservation and environmental protection)以及生物医药(biomedicine)等高新技术产业和战略性新兴产业(high-tech and strategic emerging sectors)。
意见明确,在科创板试点注册制(registration-based IPO mechanism),合理制定科创板股票发行条件(IPO qualifications)和更加全面深入精准的信息披露规则体系(comprehensive and specific framework of rules for information disclosure)。上交所负责科创板发行上市审核(IPO screening),证监会负责科创板股票发行注册(IPO registration)。证监会将加强对上交所审核工作的监督,并强化新股发行上市事前事中事后全过程监管(end-to-end supervision)。
As of June 10, the Shanghai Stock Exchange had handled 119 applications for IPOs on the sci-tech innovation board. Of all, 41 companies, or 34 percent, are in the field of new-generation information technology, 21 in the advanced equipment industry, 27 in biomedicine and 13 in new materials.
易会满说,证监会将会同市场各方,坚持以增量改革带动存量改革,充分发挥科创板的改革试验田作用,形成可复制、可推广的经验,以此带动资本市场全面深化改革(push forward sweeping reforms of the capital market),努力打造一个规范、透明、开放、有活力、有韧性的资本市场(build the capital market into a regulated, transparent and open one full of vigor and resilience)。
垃圾分类 garbage sorting

According to the regulation, people are required to sort household garbage into four categories — dry garbage, wet garbage (kitchen waste), recyclables and hazardous waste — and individuals who fail to do so will be fined up to 200 yuan. For companies and institutions, the fine can go up to 50,000 yuan. In addition, transport operators can refuse to pick up the garbage if it's not properly sorted.
Garbage,rubbish, trash 和 waste 在英语里都有“垃圾、废物”意思,它们的区别在于在哪个说英语的国家更常用。Garbage 是垃圾的美式英语说法;rubbish 是英式英语垃圾的意思;trash 也是美式英语垃圾的意思,但是它也可以用来指不值得尊重的人;waste 是一个正式用语,指没有利用价值的东西,包括废品、垃圾、废物、废料或者指时间、金钱、精力等的浪费。
According to the regulation, if not requested by guests, hotels should not provide disposable slippers and shower caps, while restaurants and food delivery businesses should not provide disposable cutlery.
Government and public institutions are not allowed to use disposable cups in the office and should give priority in purchasing products made from recycled materials.
All the courier companies that operate in the city should use digital orders and environment friendly materials for packaging.
嫌每天给家里垃圾分类很麻烦?据说现在已经有上门代收垃圾服务(garbage pick-up service)了,市民在出门前将打好包的垃圾放在家门口(place their bagged household garbage at doorstep),每天上午定时都会有专人负责拿走,每次服务支付1元人民币的费用。
沪伦通 Shanghai-London Stock Connect
Under the Shanghai-London Stock Connect mechanism, Shanghai-listed companies can list on the London Stock Exchange via Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) issuance, while British companies can issue China Depositary Receipts (CDRs) on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
沪伦通(Shanghai-London Stock Connect),即上海证券交易所与伦敦证券交易所互联互通机制(connectivity mechanism between the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange),符合条件的两地上市公司可依照对方市场的法律法规发行存托凭证(Depositary Receipt,DR),并在对方市场上市交易。
存托凭证(Depositary Receipt,DR),指在一国证券市场流通的公司通过中间机构(通常为一银行,称为保管银行或受托银行)在外国交易市场发行的有价证券的可转让凭证。存托凭证一般代表公司股票,但有时也代表债券。境外基础证券发行人在中国境内发行的存托凭证叫中国存托凭证(China Depositary Receipts,CDRs),境内企业在境外发行的存托凭证叫全球存托凭证(Global Depositary Receipts,GDRs)。
A quota system has also been established for the cross-border conversion business in the early stages of the program, according to a joint announcement by the CSRC and the Financial Conduct Authority.
Under the system, the quota for eastbound business is set at 250 billion yuan (about $36.26 billion ), while that for westbound business stands at 300 billion yuan.
作为连接中国和英国资本市场的桥梁,沪伦通源起于2015年9月举行的第七次中英经济财金对话(the seventh China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue)。过去4年间,中英双方都在为这座桥梁早日“通车”积极准备。
The mechanism would be of far-reaching significance to expand channels for cross-border investment and fund-raising, boost the development of both countries' capital markets and encourage the building of Shanghai into an international financial hub, the CSRC said in a statement.
2014年和2016年,我国先后推出沪港通(Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect)和深港通(Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect),允许沪深和香港的投资者互相到对方市场直接买卖股票。
地震预警 earthquake early warning
In the provincial capital Chengdu, an early warning system alarmed the public through multiple broadcasting systems about one minute before the earthquake struck. The same system alerted residents in Yibin ten seconds before the quake hit.
地震预警四川省重点实验室主任、成都高新减灾研究所所长王暾说:“地震预警不是预报(earthquake early warning is not an earthquake forecast),而是基于物联网技术(with advanced technology from the Internet of Things),利用电波比地震波快的原理(use the theory that radio waves travel faster than seismic waves),提前几秒到几十秒实现全自动警报。”
Earthquake research has found that being aware of an earthquake three seconds beforehand can save 14 percent of casualties, 10 seconds can save 39 percent of casualties, and 20 seconds can save 63 percent of casualties.
同时,在重要工程如化工、高铁、地铁等领域,可通过系统紧急处置减少经济损失和次生灾害(save economic losses and avoid secondary disasters)。
习金会 Xi-Kim summit
The top leaders of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) agreed Thursday that the two countries should stay true to their original aspirations and join hands to create a bright future of inter-party and inter-state relations at a new starting point in history.
By reviewing the development of China-DPRK relations, an insightful conclusion can be drawn that it is the essential attribute of the relationship that both are socialist countries adhering to the leadership of a Communist party, Xi stressed.
Shared ideals, beliefs and goals are the driving force of the relationship, the continuous friendship between and strategic guidance by top leaders are the greatest strength, and the geographical proximity and cultural affinity offer a sturdy bond, he added.
The China-DPRK friendship is a strategic choice made by the two sides with a long-term and overall perspective and will not waver due to changes in the international situation, Xi said, adding that the friendship accords with the aspirations of both peoples, the fundamental interests of both countries and the development trend of the times.
Noting that China-DPRK ties have now entered a new historical period, Xi said that the CPC and the Chinese government attach great importance to the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries, and that it is a steadfast policy of the CPC and the Chinese government to maintain, consolidate and develop China-DPRK relations.
In face of the profound and complex changes on the global and regional landscapes, China and the DPRK should strengthen high-level contact to guide the development of China-DPRK relations, Xi said, adding that he is ready to maintain close exchanges with Kim to consolidate mutual political trust and hold firmly the general direction of bilateral relations.
The two sides, Xi said, should deepen strategic communication and exchange views on major issues in an in-depth and timely manner, so as to create a favorable environment for the development of both countries.
He also suggested that the two sides expand practical cooperation to bring more benefits to both peoples.
China, he said, is ready to work with the DPRK to continue to implement the plan for commemorating the 70th anniversary of diplomatic ties, and conduct exchanges and cooperation in such fields as education, health, sports, media and youth as well as at local levels, so as to carry forward the traditional China-DPRK friendship and improve the well-being of both peoples.
On the Korean Peninsula issue, Xi reaffirmed China's support for efforts to push forward the political settlement process and build up conditions for its resolution.
Xi spoke highly of the DPRK's efforts to safeguard peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and promote the denuclearization of the peninsula.
China, Xi said, is willing to provide assistance within its capacity for the DPRK to address its legitimate security and development concerns, strengthen coordination and cooperation with the DPRK as well as other relevant parties, and play a positive and constructive role in achieving denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and long-term stability in the region.
For his part, Kim said that over the past year, the DPRK has taken many active measures to avoid tensions and control the situation on the Korean Peninsula, but has not received positive responses from the party concerned, which the DPRK does not want to see.
The DPRK is willing to stay patient, and hopes that the relevant party will work with the DPRK to seek solutions that accommodate each other's legitimate concerns and push for results from the dialogue process, Kim said.
The DPRK highly appreciates the important role played by China in solving the Korean Peninsula issue, he said, adding that his country is ready to continue to strengthen communication and coordination with China to strive for new progress in the political settlement of the issue and safeguard peace and stability on the peninsula.