中国日报网 2019-06-30 10:00

仿制药 generic drugs
The National Health Commission has released a list of suggested generic drugs to treat serious diseases including AIDS and leukemia.
仿制药(generic drugs)是指专利药品在专利保护期结束后(after the patents on the original drugs expire),不拥有该专利的药企仿制的替代药品。仿制药与原研药具有相同的活性成分(active ingredient )、剂型(dosage)、给药途径(route of administration)和治疗作用(intended use),但是仿制药的价格要明显低于原研药。
《关于第一批鼓励仿制药品目录建议清单的公示》指出,清单中的34种药物是由国家卫健委联合科技部、工业和信息化部、国家药监局、知识产权局等部门组织专家对国内专利到期(off patent)和专利即将到期(nearing patent expiration)尚没有提出注册申请、临床供应短缺(竞争不充分,have no generic drug counterpart)以及企业主动申报的药品进行遴选论证后提出。
The plan required the release of the first generic drugs catalogue before the end of June this year to lead pharmaceutical companies' research and development, registration and production, and promote the use of generic drugs.
The document encourages pharmaceutical enterprises to develop generic drugs with definite therapeutic effects that are necessary in clinical application and are in a short supply.
奥运申办程序变革 Olympic bidding overhaul
The International Olympic Committee outlined plans to overhaul the bidding process for future Games, stating that cities interested in hosting the Games should hold referendums before submitting official tenders to avoid having to withdraw their candidacy at a later date.
Overhaul这个词可用作动词或名词,表示“翻修;革新;彻底检查”等意思,比如:overhaul the income tax policy/the income tax policy overhaul(个税改革)、overhaul the original plan(改变最初的计划)等。
Withdraw their candidacy就是“放弃候选城市资格”,即“退出申办”,也可以用drop out of bidding来表示。Drop out of通常表示“退出”,比如,“中途退学”就是drop out of school。
For the 2026 Winter Olympics, which this week was awarded to Milan and Cortina D'Ampezzo, four cities pulled out.
It was a similar situation for the 2022 and 2024 Games. Local referendums have also killed off many bids or planned candidacies, including in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Canada among others.
第一,未来将分别组建“夏季奥运会举办地委员会”和“冬季奥运会举办地委员会”(future host commissions one each for Summer and Winter Games)。
The new panels will be empowered to have “permanent ongoing dialogue” with potential bidders and pro-actively approach preferred hosts. They will recommend one or more candidates for an election.
A new, flexible campaign timetable will end the Olympic Charter rule requiring hosts to be voted on seven years in advance of a Summer or Winter Games.
Host can also refer to multiple cities, regions and/or countries.
第四,国际奥委会鼓励举办地更多使用现有或临时场馆及设施(use existing or temporary venues and infrastructures)。
个税免征项目 income tax exemptions

China further clarified taxable items among individual earnings, with 11 sources of income exempted from taxation, according to a policy announcement issued by the Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration on Tuesday.
Exempt表示“免除、豁免”,可以用作动词、名词、形容词,一般搭配是be exempt(ed) from,比如:Men in college were exempt from military service(大学在校男生免服兵役);the estate was exempt from taxes(这个房子免税)。
房屋产权所有人将房屋产权无偿赠与配偶、父母、子女、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女、兄弟姐妹(the owner gives one's property to spouse, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings as gift);
房屋产权所有人将房屋产权无偿赠与对其承担直接抚养或者赡养义务的抚养人或者赡养人(the owner gives one's property to the ones who have been taking care of and supporting him/her as gift);
房屋产权所有人死亡,依法取得房屋产权的法定继承人、遗嘱继承人或者受遗赠人(property transfer to legitimate heirs upon the owner's death);
企业在业务宣传、广告等活动中,赠送的具有价格折扣或折让性质的消费券、代金券、抵用券、优惠券(coupons used as discounts)等礼品;
亲戚朋友之间互相赠送的网络红包(online red envelopes among family members and friends);
保险公司支付给保期内未出险的人寿保险保户的利息(interests paid from unclaimed life insurance policies);
股民个人从证券公司取得的回扣收入或交易手续费返还收入(transaction fee returns from securities firms)等。
十点共识 ten-point consensus
Among the consensus, Xi and Abe spoke highly of the sound momentum in the development of China-Japan relations and agreed that as both countries have entered a new era of development, joint efforts are needed to build bilateral relations that meet the requirements of the new era.
While the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, the two leaders saw fresh opportunities for developing bilateral relations as mutual interests and common concerns between the two countries are increasing day by day.
Secondly, the two leaders reiterated that their countries will hold fast to various principles stipulated in the four political documents between China and Japan and implement the political consensus that they are cooperative partners who never pose a threat to each other.
The two countries will also uphold the spirit of replacing competition with coordination and continue to push forward the China-Japan relations on the right track.
Thirdly, Xi and Abe agreed to maintain close communication, strengthen high-level guidance and keep increasing political mutual trust.
Abe, on behalf of the Japanese government, invited Xi to pay a state visit to Japan in the spring next year. Xi agreed in principle to the invitation. The two leaders have instructed their respective foreign affairs departments to maintain communication on the timing of the state visit.
Fourthly, the two leaders agreed to further deepen the convergence of interests between their countries and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in a wide range of areas such as science and technology innovation, protection of intellectual property rights, trade and investment, finance, medical and health, old-age care, energy saving and environmental protection and tourism.
The Japanese side sees the Belt and Road Initiative as a promising idea for linking diverse regions, while China welcomes Japan to actively take part in the high-quality construction of the Belt and Road.
The two sides will continue to strive for solid results in third-party market cooperation.
China and Japan support their respective enterprises to expand mutual investment and pledge to provide a fair, non-discriminatory, and predictable business environment for the other's enterprises.
Fifthly, Xi and Abe stressed that China and Japan, both important contributors to the development of the Asian civilization, should inherit and carry forward the achievements of Asian civilization, and advocate equal dialogue and mutual learning among various civilizations.
The two countries should keep strengthening people-to-people exchanges and cooperation based on their profound historical and cultural origins. The two leaders agreed to kickstart within the year a high-level consultation mechanism on people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries.
Sixthly, the two leaders agreed to actively carry out friendly non-governmental exchanges between China and Japan, so as to increase mutual understanding and strengthen the people-to-people bond.
The two sides should take the opportunity of the ongoing China-Japan Youth Exchange Promotion Year to actively carry out various exchange activities such as study tours.
Seventhly, Xi and Abe reiterated that their countries will adhere to the path of peaceful development and be partners in peaceful development.
In this respect, China and Japan should strengthen communication and cooperation in security, actively promote the building of constructive bilateral security relations and gradually set up solid strategic reciprocity and mutual trust.
The two leaders agreed to further strengthen dialogue in diplomacy and security.
Eighthly, the two leaders agreed to properly handle sensitive issues and manage disputes and differences constructively.
The two sides will continue to promote the implementation of the principled consensus on East China Sea issues and make joint efforts to safeguard peace and stability of the East China Sea, so as to turn it into a sea of peace, cooperation and friendship.
Ninthly, the two leaders believe that China and Japan, both important Asian countries and major global economies, should jointly safeguard multilateralism and the free trade system, actively steer regional integration, advance the building of an open world economy, and promote the common development of all countries.
The two sides agreed to make the G20 play its important role in promoting the steady development of the world economy and improving the global governance system.
They also agreed to accelerate negotiations on the China-Japan-South Korea Free Trade Agreement and strive for concluding negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership within the year.
Tenthly, Xi and Abe believe that China and Japan should actively fulfill their international responsibilities, face various global challenges shoulder by shoulder, and strengthen communication and coordination on such global affairs as development aid, climate change, arms control and disarmament as well as health care, so as to jointly make contributions to world peace, stability and development.
二十国集团峰会 G20 summit

6月28日,中国国家主席习近平在日本大阪出席二十国集团领导人第十四次峰会(the 14th G20 Summit)并发表题为《携手共进,合力打造高质量世界经济》的讲话。以下为讲话要点:
The G20 major economies should embrace development opportunities with greater openness and seek win-win results with better cooperation, so as to guide economic globalization toward the right direction.
The G20 should focus on shared interests and long-term development, and commit to realizing lasting peace and prosperity for the world and a satisfying life for peoples around the world. The G20 should not make an irreversible "historic mistake" due to temporary shortsightedness.
The G20 major economies should promote international innovation cooperation, move beyond border limitation and man-made fences, pool global wisdom to tackle common problems, and broadly apply innovation outcomes to benefit more countries and peoples.
China will further open up its market, proactively expand imports, continuously improve its business environment for foreign enterprises, and press ahead with various trade agreement negotiations.
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)