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夏洛克·福尔摩斯:从未存在 永远流传
Sherlock Holmes, Unlikely Style Icon

[ 2014-11-03 10:27] 来源:中国日报网     字号 [] [] []  
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夏洛克·福尔摩斯:从未存在 永远流传

But Cumberbatch’s greatest disappearing act is his effortless embodiment of Conan Doyle’s archetypal character: the angular silhouette, the hawk-like profile, the cape-like coat. A distinct lack of physical resemblance may be why the other modern-day TV Holmes, Elementary’s Jonny Lee Miller, has struggled to connect with viewers. Miller (like Downey) is more of a Watson than a Sherlock—compact and muscular rather than tall and lanky. It follows, then, that his clothes also break the mold. A floppy coat would not just envelop but swamp him; instead, a double-breasted pea coat provides warmth in the New York winters, while a red tartan scarf provides what little sartorial panache he possesses. But his endless supply of rumpled vests and ill-fitting blazers convey his Englishness—especially next to Lucy Liu’s quintessentially chic New Yorker of a Watson—while his habit of buttoning his shirts up to the chin telegraphs the character’s OCD tendencies. In this case, however, there’s no mystery why it’s Liu’s Watson wardrobe that has inspired style bloggers.

棱角分明的轮廓,鹰一样的侧脸,还有斗篷大衣——“卷福”几乎就是柯南·道尔原型人物的化身。而其他版本的福尔摩斯缺少观众认同感,与演员本身形象与原著形象有差距分不开,比如《基本演绎法》(Elementary)里的约翰尼·李·米勒(Jonny Lee Miller)。米勒(有点像小罗伯特·唐尼)结实且肌肉发达,更符合华生的形象,而非高而瘦福尔摩斯形象。此外,他的着装也有违人物原型。尽管宽松的双排扣外套在纽约的冬天里让人感觉格外温暖,红格子围巾也更能体现他本身所具有的气质,但他那永远皱巴巴的衬衣和不合身的上衣却透出浓浓的英格兰风格,尤其当他与典型纽约时髦范的刘玉玲(Lucy Liu)版华生站在一起时,更是对比鲜明。米勒的衬衫扣子总是一丝不苟地扣到下巴,体现了人物的强迫症倾向。在这种情况下,刘玉玲版华生的穿着风格能引起时尚博主们的注意,也就不足为奇。 


(译者 左左夕夏 编辑 祝兴媛)


夏洛克·福尔摩斯:从未存在 永远流传 夏洛克·福尔摩斯:从未存在 永远流传


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