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5. The character of "Q" in the movies is based off a pistol expert who wrote Ian Fleming fan letters.
The character "Q" was originally the name of a whole equipment branch in Ian Fleming's James Bond novels, but Geoffrey Boothroyd was introduced in "Dr. No" after a fan with the same name wrote to Fleming kindly criticizing Bond's weapon choices. Boothroyd wrote to Fleming:
I have, by now, got rather fond of Mr. James Bond. I like most of the things about him, with the exception of his rather deplorable taste in firearms. In particular, I dislike a man who comes into contact with all sorts of formidable people using a .25 Beretta. This sort of gun is really a lady's gun, and not a really nice lady at that. If Mr. Bond has to use a light gun he would be better off with a .22 rim fire; the lead bullet would cause more shocking effect than the jacketed type of the .25.May I suggest that Mr. Bond be armed with a revolver?
至今为止,我都更喜欢邦德先生了。我对他的很多地方都非常喜欢,除了他相当可悲的枪械品味。我尤其讨厌一个男人不管面对什么强大的人都使用一把.25 Beretta手枪。这种枪其实是给女人用的,而且不是什么光明磊落的女人。如果邦德先生必须要用到光枪的话,他最好选用.22 rim fire,铅弹头会比前一种夹套式手枪更有震撼效果。我能不能建议邦德先生装备这种左轮手枪?
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