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If you can improve yourself in a day, do so each day, forever building on improvement.
A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step.
Consistency is valuable in governance.
Great accomplishments require ambition and tireless effort.
I will work heart and soul for my country to the day I draw my last breath.
When brothers come together, there is nothing they cannot achieve.
A word spoken is a word that must be honored.
harmony in diversity
China has, since ancient times, been an exponent of harmony in diversity. We hope that different countries and different civilizations will engage in exchange on an equal basis, learn from each other, and achieve common progress. We hope that the people of all countries will share in the fruits of global economic, scientific, and technological advances and that their aspirations are respected. We also hope that all countries will work together in building a harmonious world where peace is lasting and prosperity is shared by all.
The finer details fall into place when they align with the bigger picture.
The finer details fall into place when they align with the bigger picture. You will accomplish something significant in life if you integrate your ambitions into the cause of your country and its people.
On reaching the last leg of a journey, you are only half way there.
On reaching the last leg of a journey, you are only half way there. The closer we are to our goal of rejuvenating the Chinese nation, the less we can afford to slack off, the more we need to intensify our efforts, and the more we need to encourage young people to work toward this goal.
Whatever my status, I will never lay aside my concern for the nation.
Never be corrupted by wealth or status, depart from principle due to poverty or humble position, or bow down to power or force
I wish to be the first to worry about the nation’s woes and the last to share in its prosperity.
Were it to benefit my country I would lay down my life; What then is risk to me?
Everyone will one day die; When my day comes, may my loyalty be inscribed in the pages of history.
Someday, with my sail piercing the clouds; I will mount the wind, break the waves, and traverse the vast, rolling sea.
Email: languagetips@chinadaily.com.cn