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James Bond Themes 6. “A View to a Kill” by Duran Duran
A lot of the best James Bond theme songs sound like they belong in a lounge act. That’s not a complaint, just an observation. For whatever reason, the English new wave act Duran Duran was given free reign to provide A View to a Kill with a new and exciting sound all its own. “A View to a Kill” was a hit song, and it probably would have been a success even without the James Bond connection. It’s entertaining and cool and energetic, and it promises one hell of a good time. (Whether or not the movie actually lives up to that promise is a matter of some debate.)
许多邦德电影主题曲听起来像酒吧表演歌曲。这不是抱怨,仅仅只是观察。无论出于何种原因,英国热门乐团杜兰杜兰发挥自身才能,为电影《雷霆杀机》(A View to a Kill)创作了这首歌。曲调新颖,振奋人心。《雷霆杀机》是一首即使不依靠邦德电影也能成功的主打歌曲。歌曲轻松愉悦、活力四射,暗含一段令人沉醉的美好时光。(至于电影是否恰如歌曲讲述的那样尚有争议。)
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