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UnionPay International announced Oct. 29 that all bankcards using its service cannot be used to buy Hong Kong insurance products, whether online or offshore. The embargo targets mainly life insurance, which accounts for the lion’s share of all insurance sales to mainlanders. Exceptions are made for policies closely related to travel, such as accident and injury insurance policies, which UnionPay considers to be current account transactions.
近两年来,内地人赴港购买保险(mainland customers purchasing Hong Kong insurance products)的数量明显增加,分红型重疾险、教育金等理财型保险(wealth management insurance)尤其受青睐,因为内地客户可以通过购买这些保险完成人民币兑换美元保值(convert yuan funds into stronger dollars)。
此次银联国际发布的《境外保险类商户受理境内银联卡合规指引》(The Compliance Guidelines for Overseas Insurance Merchants Accepting UnionPay Cards Issued in Mainland China)适用于适用于境外保险类商户在POS终端(POS terminals)、互联网(Internet)、移动支付(mobile channels)等所有渠道受理境内银联卡的情况,主要内容包括三点:境内居民在境外购买与意外、疾病等旅游消费相关的经常项目保险,可以使用银联卡支付;其他保险项目严禁使用银联卡支付(all UnionPay cards issued from mainland China are allowed to use to buy pure insurance products (accidents, deaths, and illnesses), but are not allowed to buy any insurance product includes investment-related contents);重申境外保险类商户单笔交易不超过5000美元或其他等值外币的消费金额限制($5,000 limit on single overseas payments using a bankcard);强化境外收单机构对保险类商户管理要求(overseas acquirers are required to strictly supervise insurance merchants relating to cards issued from mainland China)。
UnionPay is committed to working with our partners to ensure the delivery of a safe and compliant transaction in the payment system.
Recently, UnionPay has observed a significant increase in overseas insurance transactions by cards issued from mainland China. In order to strengthen the acceptance of such transactions by cards issued from mainland China we have issued The Compliance Guidelines for Overseas Insurance Merchants Accepting UnionPay Cards Issued in Mainland China (hereinafter referred to as The Guidelines). The Guidelines reemphasized the relevant regulations and business rules to ensure proper use of UnionPay cards issued from mainland China at overseas insurance merchants.
The Guidelines have been issued in Hong Kong and are applied to the acceptance of UnionPay cards issued from mainland China at overseas insurance merchants via POS terminals, Internet and mobile channels. The main contents of The Guidelines are: Firstly, all UnionPay cards issued from mainland China are allowed to use to buy pure insurance products (accidents, deaths, and illnesses), but are not allowed to buy any insurance product includes investment-related contents. Secondly, according to the Foreign Exchange Regulation Policies issued by the Chinese authorities, a single transaction of UnionPay cards issued from mainland China that is allowed under this policy at overseas insurance merchants is capped at the equivalent of 5,000 USD. Thirdly, overseas acquirers are required to strictly supervise insurance merchants relating to cards issued from mainland China by strengthening training for insurance merchants, and adhering to the Guidelines on abnormal transaction detection and merchant inspection.
UnionPay International will continue to provide payment services at overseas insurance merchants while complying with the regulations and laws issued by relevant authorities.
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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