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Deadpool, Batman and Star Wars are among the most pirated movies on 2016
The latest national campaign to protect intellectual property rights will focus on online movies, TV shows and news articles, the top copyright watchdog said on Tuesday.
"To protect the copyright of movies, TV series and news stories online, the battle will severely strike websites and other platforms, such as cloud storage and social media platforms, that spread unauthorized works," said Yu Cike, director of copyright management for the National Copyright Administration.
“剑网行动”(Sword at the Internet campaign)是专门打击网络侵权盗版的专项治理行动(crackdown on internet infringement and piracy),自2005年起由国家版权局联合国家网信办、工信部、公安部联合开展。
“剑网2017”专项行动将聚焦新闻出版影视行业的网络版权保护(online copyright protection in news, publishing, movie and TV industries),突出整治影视和新闻两类作品的侵权盗版行为,整治电子商务平台(e-commerce platforms)和移动互联网应用程序(APP)领域的版权,严厉打击各类网站、移动客户端、“自媒体”传播侵权盗版作品行为。
在对新闻作品的版权保护方面,今年“剑网”专项行动主要有两个方面的措施,一是打击(crackdown),严厉打击网站、移动客户端、微信公众号等自媒体以及各类新闻信息聚合平台,未经许可转载新闻作品的违法传播行为(unauthorized spread of news articles),严厉打击未经许可摘编整合、歪曲、篡改新闻作品的侵权盗版行为;二是规范(regulation),通过发挥中国新闻媒体版权保护联盟的作用,引导传统媒体(traditional media)和商业网站(commercial websites)开展版权合作(copyright cooperation),完善网络转载版权许可付酬机制(improve the online reprinting copyright licensing mechanism),着力规范新闻作品网络传播秩序。
盗版书籍 pirated books
盗版电影 pirated movies
非法下载 illegal downloading
未经授权转载 unauthorized reprint
云存储 cloud storage
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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