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5. 意大利强震
strong/powerful earthquake in Italy
A strong earthquake rocked central Italy early Wednesday, collapsing homes on top of residents as they slept.
当地时间24日凌晨3时36分,意大利中部城镇发生6级以上地震,震中位于罗马东北方向约100公里的诺尔恰市(with the epicenter at Norcia, around 100 km northeast of Rome),震源深度较浅,为10公里(with a relatively shallow depth of 10 km)。这场强震给意大利中部几座城镇带来灾难性的破坏(wreak devastating havoc on a cluster of central Italian towns),死亡人数(death toll)至少为267人。著名古城阿马特里切(famous ancient town Amatrice)是重灾区(the hardest-hit town, the worst affected town)之一,建筑物倒塌,有居民被埋在瓦砾下(residents be burried under the rubbles/debris of collapsed buildings),有目击者形容灾区惨况如"但丁的地狱(Dante's Inferno)"。由于震中所处区域是著名的旅游胜地,夏季会接待大量游客(accommodate many tourists),也有一些季节工(seasonal workers),因此,地震导致的失踪人数尚不确定(the number of missing remains unclear)。
灾难发生后,意大利迅速展开救援工作,逾5000名救援人员(rescue workers)彻夜工作(toil through the night),仍在倒塌的房屋中寻找幸存者(search for survivors)。意大利政府宣布地震灾区进入紧急状态(declare a state of emergency in the affected areas),并宣布相关减税(tax relief)政策,拨款2.34亿欧元用于搜救和重建工作(the Italian government allocated EUR234m to the search and recovery effort)。25日,意大利政府宣布第一笔5000万欧元的救灾款项安排方案已经确定。
据悉,意大利位于两条断层之上(Italy sits on two fault lines),为地震多发区(be often shaken by earthquakes)。专家称,意大利许多老建筑不符合20世纪80年代实施的抗震建筑标准(vast numbers of older structures do not conform to anti-earthquake building codes adopted in the 1980s)。据意大利国家地球物理和火山研究所一名地震学家(a seismologist at Italy's National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology)估算,意大利70%-80%的建筑不抗震(not earthquake-proof)。近10年来,意大利发生过3次造成严重伤亡的地震(Italy has been hit with three major fatal earthquakes in the past decade),其中最严重的是2009年拉奎拉地震,造成逾300人死亡。
余震 aftershock
地壳运动 crustal movement
火山爆发 volcanic eruption
抗震能力 earthquake resistance capacity
地震活跃期 active seismic period
精神创伤 mental trauma
(救援)黄金时间 golden window
心理干预 psychological intervention
灾后重建 post-disaster reconstruction
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