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2. 隐性饥饿
hidden hunger
"At present, 2b people around the world are suffering from 'hidden hunger,' and the number in China is 300m," said Wan Jianmin, an academic with the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
世界卫生组织(the World Health Organization)和联合国粮农组织(the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)把膳食中缺乏维生素、矿物质称为"隐性饥饿(hidden hunger)"。万建民称,2015年我国粮食总产量(total grain production)超过了6亿吨,数量上已基本能够满足人民需求(the quantity of grains is basically satisfactory for the needs of Chinese people),但是"质"的问题却没有解决:微量营养素长期摄入不足(chronically insufficient intake of micronutrients)导致大量国人、尤其是偏远山区的贫困人群营养不良(lead to malnutrition among a high number of citizens, especially those living in remote and mountainous regions),并由此引发各种慢性疾病(chronic diseases)。
国家卫计委(the National Health and Family Planning Commission)发布的《中国居民营养与慢性病状况报告(2015)》显示,我国民众膳食结构(diet structure)大多并不合理,钙、铁、维生素A、维生素D等矿物质和维生素(minerals and vitamins including calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin D)未达到推荐摄入水平(do not reach the recommended intake levels)。
万建民还表示,人体健康除了需要碳水化合物(carbohydrate)、脂类(lipid)、蛋白质(protein)等大量营养素外,还需要钙、铁、锌等16种矿物元素以及13种维生素。如果必需的微量营养素(essential micronutrient)长期摄入不足或失衡,身体虽然感觉不到饥饿,但健康却在无形中受损。多项研究表明,"隐性饥饿"会导致出生缺陷(birth defect)及发育性残疾(developmental disability),增加儿童和孕妇死亡率(increase the mortality rate of children and pregnant women),严重影响一个国家的人口素质和经济发展(population quality and economic development)。对此,万建民建议,粮食生产应该从重视数量转变为重视质量(the emphasis in grain production should be shifted from quantity to quality)。
微量元素 trace element/microelement
亚健康 sub-health
慢性疲劳 chronic fatigue
消瘦 emaciation
营养不良 malnutrition
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