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4. 闺蜜门
confidante scandal
South Korean President Park Geun-hye apologized to the public on Friday, saying she will accept an investigation into herself, if necessary, by prosecutors over a scandal surrounding Choi Soon-sil, the president's longtime confidante suspected of intervening into state affairs.
无任何政府公职(hold no governmental post)的崔顺实,被指利用自己和总统几十年的交情来影响国政(influence state affairs via her decades-old friendship with the president)。她还迫使大企业向其控制的非盈利机构(non-profit organizations)出资,并假公济私挪用公款(use official funds for personal purposes)。据报道,崔顺实曾修改过朴槿惠最重要的一些演讲稿(edit some of Park's most important speeches)、接触机密文件(gain access to classified documents),还曾插手决定重要的经济、国防以及外交政策(dictate key economic, defense and foreign policies)。
10月29日,数千韩国民众上街游行(take to the streets),要求朴槿惠下台(call for Park's removal from office)。10月30日,为了重获公众信任(in an effort to regain public trust),朴槿惠解除了总统府秘书室主任等八名助手的职务。10月31日,韩国检方在对崔顺实进行了长达数小时的审问之后(grill Choi for hours),将其紧急拘留(emergency detention)。检方称:"崔顺实否认一切指控(deny all of the charges against her),我们很担心她会毁灭证据(destroy evidence)。崔顺实过去曾逃居海外(fled overseas in the past),在国内时没有固定住所(have no permanent address),因此有可能潜逃。
目前,朴槿惠的公众支持率(public approval ratings)已跌至历史低点(plummet to historic lows)。这是2014年沉船事故(the sinking of a South Korean ferry in 2014)引发韩国众多高层官员辞职和大规模政府机构改革以来,朴槿惠所遭遇的最大危机。
闺蜜 confidante
弹劾 impeachment
拘捕令 arrest warrant
财团 conglomerate
身处困境的 embattled
在幕后 behind the scene
上一篇 : 一周热词榜(10.22-28)
下一篇 : 一周热词榜(11.5-11)
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