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3. 驱逐外交官
expulsion/ejection of diplomats
US President Barack Obama has ordered the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats in retaliation for what the US believes was interference by Moscow in the 2016 US presidential election.
即将离任的美国总统奥巴马29日发布一项行政命令(issue an executive order),宣布因俄罗斯涉嫌通过网络袭击(cyber attack)干预美国选举过程(intervene in the US election process)而对俄进行制裁(impose sanctions on Russia)。35名俄罗斯外交官被驱逐(be ejected from the US),被勒令在72小时内离境(be given 72 hours to leave the country)。俄罗斯方面否认美国的指控(deny the US accusations),称将考虑采取报复措施(consider retaliatory measures)。
美国当选总统特朗普一直对"俄罗斯应对黑客袭击负责"的报道持低调态度(downplay reports that Russia was responsible for the hacks)。正在度假的特朗普称:"是时候让我们的国家向着更大更好的方向前行了(it's time for our country to move on to bigger and better things)。"特朗普还称,要怪就怪"电脑使我们的生活变得太复杂(computers have complicated lives very greatly)"。路透社分析称,不论奥巴马政府对俄采取何种行动,特朗普就职后是否会扭转这些措施(roll back the measures once he takes office)才是重点。
外交驱逐 diplomatic expulsion
情报机构 intelligence agency
情报人员 intelligence operative
国际行为准则 international norms of behavior
两党分歧 bipartisan discord
反击 punch back
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