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新华网 2019-11-05 08:55



11月4日晚,国家主席习近平和夫人彭丽媛在上海和平饭店举行宴会,欢迎出席第二届中国国际进口博览会的各国贵宾。这是宴会前,习近平和彭丽媛同法国总统马克龙夫妇、牙买加总理霍尔尼斯夫妇、希腊总理米佐塔基斯夫妇、塞尔维亚总理布尔纳比奇等外方贵宾合影留念。 新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄


The CIIE is designed to trade goods and services, exchange culture and ideas, welcome visitors from across the globe, benefit the whole world and respond to the aspirations of people from various countries to live a better life, Xi said.

China has made remarkable achievements over the past 70 years since the founding of New China, especially during the country's 40-strong years of reform and opening up. "From the course of China's development, we realize that China will do well only when the world does well, and vice versa," Xi said.

In a short time, the CIIE started from scratch and quickly attracted wide participation of countries and enterprises from all over the world, said Xi, noting that it has become a major initiative in the history of global trade and an important platform for international cooperation in the new era.

By holding the CIIE and proactively expanding imports, China is taking the initiative to pursue a new round of high-level opening up, deepen international cooperation in advancing the Belt and Road Initiative and jointly foster an open global economy, Xi noted.


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