3. 《快闪小子》 作者:迈克尔·刘易斯
Flash Boys by Michael Lewis
Everdeen Mason: The book is about the stock market – I think the author has done a couple books about that – and it’s particularly about a young guy who works for a Canadian trading firm, and he discovers the world of high frequency trading and how that allows traders to prey on innocents. Right now he’s trying to rally and get people to start their own stock market to stop this from happening. I like how it’s written. Lewis takes something that could be a dry subject and makes it really punchy, and he describes the characters in really fun ways.
推荐人埃弗丁·梅森(Everdeen Mason):这本书是关于股票市场的,我想作者已经写了不少关于这个主题的书。这本书的主角是一个在加拿大贸易公司工作的年轻人。他发现了高频交易现象背后存在的问题,也看到了高频交易者如何从公众手中快速赚取暴利。于是,他开始尽自己的努力帮助大家成立自己的股票市场,与高频交易者抗衡。我喜欢这样的写法。刘易斯把一个枯燥无味的话题变得强而有力,而且他笔下的人物都刻画得非常有趣。