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New app rescues people from bad dates
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Relief could be on the way with a new app that provides an incoming rescue call. |
Most people have been there, trapped on an awkward date that is going nowhere. But relief could be on the way with a new app that provides an incoming rescue call. The Bad Date Rescue app, which was launched by the dating website eHarmony.com this week, lets users arrange for a call to appear on their iPhone to graciously allow them to bow out if a date isn't going well. "There are all sorts of reasons for why people would want to get out of a date," said Arvind Mishra, director of product management at eHarmony. "We can all sympathize because we have all been on bad dates in our lifetime." The free app includes several ways to set up a rescue. Users can pick a number from their address book for the call, for example from their mother or a friend. If the person's picture is stored on the app it will appear on the screen when the call comes through. Scripts are available giving the reason for the call, such as a neighbor calling about a leaky pipe; a mother informing that a sister just had a baby; or a boss saying he needs help immediately. "It graciously allows you to play along and to get out of that situation," Mishra explained. The free app can be pre-set before the date to call at a specific time and there is a quick rescue that can be triggered on the spot to ring in a few seconds or minutes. "There are all sorts of reasons for why people want to get out of a date. We are helping them do it in a way that is fun and light and not abrupt," he added. (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
很多人都曾受困于尴尬的约会,无法逃脱。但一款新的应用程序可以使你的手机上突然响起救兵似的“伪装来电”,帮你解围。 约会网站eHarmony.com本周最新发布了“糟糕约会营救程序”。如果约会进行不顺,使用者可以利用这款程序在iPhone手机上设置伪装来电,这样就能从容离开了。 该网站的产品经营部经理阿凡德-米什拉说:“人们想结束约会有各种各样的理由,我们对此都表示同情,因为我们一生中都曾遇到过糟糕的约会。” 这款免费应用程序可以通过若干种方式设置伪装来电。使用者可以从通讯录中挑选一个联系人作为伪装来电号码,比如母亲或者朋友。如果程序中存储了来电联系人的图像,伪装来电响起时图像还会显示在手机屏幕上。 应用程序还会提示来电原因,比如邻居来电说水管漏水,母亲提醒说姐妹刚生了孩子,或者老板说让马上过去帮忙。 米什拉解释说:“这会让你从容地找到理由去办事,逃离约会现场。” 这款应用程序可以提前设置来电的具体时间,还有一种应急来电功能,可以在约会现场设置,来电铃声能响几秒钟到几分钟时间。 他补充说:“人们想结束约会有各种各样的理由,我们是在用轻松有趣,同时不生硬的方式帮人们逃走。” 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑:陈丹妮) |
Vocabulary: bow out: 退出 play along: 依照……行事 |
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