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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said to be considering rehab
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, under pressure to quit after admitting he smoked crack cocaine and had a drink problem, could enter rehab, his lawyer says. Dennis Morris told the Globe and Mail that the mayor of Canada's largest city was "considering options". "And we'll stay tuned to see what he says in the next few days," Mr Morristold the newspaper. His comments come a day after Mr Ford apologised for a video of him threatening to kill an unknown person. The 44-year-old married father of two said he was "extremely, extremely inebriated" at the time it was filmed and he was "embarrassed" by it. Toronto police said last week they have a separate video apparently showing Mr Ford smoking crack cocaine, which has not been made public. Foul-mouthed rant His older brother, Doug Ford, told a radio broadcaster on Friday that his brother could benefit from "a little bit of counselling". "If Rob goes away on a vacation, for a week or two weeks, Rob loses 50, 60 pounds, stays on the straight narrows," he said, "it'll be tough to beat Rob Ford." Thursday's release of a video showing an agitated Mr Ford during a foul-mouthed rant was a defining moment for the mayor, Mr Morris has told reporters. The context of the clip is not clear, nor is the target of Mr Ford's wrath. He vows to rip out the person's throat, poke out his eyes and ensure his victim is dead. On Thursday, Mr Morris said he had been in talks with Toronto police to view the crack-smoking clip. Police say the video is not enough to charge Mr Ford but they have not made it public as it is evidence before the courts. Allegations of drug use by Mr Ford surfaced in May when journalists reported seeing footage of him smoking crack cocaine. The mayor acknowledged for the first time on Tuesday that he had taken the drug "probably a year ago" while in a "drunken stupor". He said he was "embarrassed" by his behaviour, though he vowed to run for re-election. Mr Ford has faced mounting calls from even his political allies to resign, saying they have lost confidence in him. But officials in North America's fourth-largest city cannot legally remove him unless he is convicted of a crime. |
加拿大多伦多市市长罗布·福特最近丑闻缠身、争议不断。据英国广播公司11月8日报道,因吸毒和酗酒问题相继曝光,福特面临巨大的辞职压力,其律师丹尼斯·莫里斯当天表示,福特可能会进康复中心。 莫里斯告诉加拿大《环球邮报》,市长正在“考虑一些选择”,“我们将继续关注他接下来几天会说什么”。 44岁的福特7日为扬言杀人的不雅视频道歉,他在视频中称要撕开对方的喉咙、挖出其眼珠,并确定对方死亡。目前尚不清楚福特是在什么情况下说出这番话的,也不清楚他威胁的对象是谁。福特承认当时“醉得非常非常厉害”,并为此感到“惭愧”。 他的哥哥道格·福特8日告诉媒体,福特可能需要“一点辅导”。“如果他去休一两周的假,减掉五六十磅体重,就不会那么容易被击败。” 多伦多警方上周称掌握了福特吸毒的视频,并于7日传唤了福特,核实吸毒问题。福特吸毒一事早在今年5月就被曝光了,记者声称看过他吸食可卡因的视频,但其本人极力否认。5日,福特首次承认他“大约1年前”在“醉得不省人事”的情况下吸过毒。他对自己的行为感到“难为情”,但明确表示还要竞选连任。 目前,福特面临愈来愈高的辞职呼声,其中甚至有他的政治盟友,他们说已经对福特失去信心。不过,多伦多当局目前尚不能解除福特的职务,除非他被定罪。 相关阅读 (信莲 编辑:Julie) |
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