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Ice runner: Siberian man runs marathon in -36 F weather
How cold is too cold for a jog? For most people, below-freezing temperatures generally put a stop to outdoor exercise, but Siberian native Boris Fyodorov is not most people. Minutes after the calendar ticked over to 2014 this past New Year’s Eve, Fyodorov set off on a solo, out-and-back marathon run from his home in the Siberian village of Oymyakon, completing the 26.2-mile course ― his first marathon ― in just over five hours. During the run he experienced temperatures as low as -36 F (-38 C). And that was just the way he wanted it. "I [heard] about other marathons around the globe, naming themselves 'the coldest', like the most recent North Pole marathon with runners going at -28 C [-18 F]," Fyodorov told the Siberian Times. "I thought surely this cannot be right. Our Oymyakon is the coldest inhabited place in northern hemisphere. Why don't we arrange a marathon here?" Oymyakon is widely considered to be one of the coldest places on the planet, and its record-low temperature of -90 F, recorded in 1933, is tied for the coldest recorded temperature for any inhabited place on Earth. The average January temperature in the area is -50 C (-58 F). Not only did Fyodorov finish the marathon in high spirits, but he also wants it to be colder the next time he tries it. "I really want to organize [the] next Oymyakon marathon in January when the air goes down to -50 C or -60 C," he said. Fyodorov is not the first person to take on a cold-weather athletic challenge like this. In addition to the North Pole Marathon that he mentioned, the Antarctica Marathon is held every year in late February, taking runners on an out-and-back tour from Russia’s Bellingshausen Station. A second Antarctica event ― the Ice Marathon ― has been held at 80 degrees south since 2006.
当气温降到零度以下,相信多数人会拒绝户外活动,但土生土长的西伯利亚人鲍里斯•费奥多罗夫是个例外。他在新年夜零下38摄氏度的低温中跑完了单人马拉松。 据美国媒体报道,2014新年钟声敲响后不久,费奥多罗夫就从位于西伯利亚地区奥伊米亚康村的家中出发,在零下38摄氏度的低温下跑完了大约42公里的往返马拉松。这是他第一次跑马拉松,5个多小时跑完全程。 费奥多罗夫说:“我听说世界上有别的自称‘最冷的’马拉松,比如说,“北极马拉松”选手最近就挑战了零下28摄氏度的低温。我觉得这肯定不对。我们奥伊米亚康是北半球有人居住的最冷的地方。为什么我们不能在这儿安排一场马拉松呢?” 奥伊米亚康被广泛认为是地球上最冷的地方之一,1933年创下的零下68摄氏度的低温记录,和地球上有人居住地方的低温记录持平。到了一月份,奥伊米亚康的平均气温为零下50摄氏度。 费奥多罗夫不仅精神饱满地跑完了这趟马拉松,而且希望下次跑的时候更冷。“我想在1月份温度降到零下50或60摄氏度的时候组织一场奥伊米亚康马拉松,”他说。 其实像费奥多罗夫这样喜欢在严寒中长跑的人大有人在。除了上文提到的北极马拉松以外,还有每年2月底的南极马拉松,起点是俄罗斯的别林斯高晋南极考察站。另外,南极还有一项“冰上马拉松”,提起来就叫人心“冻”。 相关阅读 (信莲 编辑:王琦琛)
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