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François Hollande: 'no more first ladies in Elysée in future'
François Hollande wants “no more first ladies in the Elysée in future”, it emerged following the furore over his alleged affair with an actress. The French president’s comments are the clearest indication yet of his plans, and come as his advisers said it would be best for him to remain a “bachelor president” for the time being. According to Michaël Darmon, a reporter with iTele, Mr Hollande made his views crystal clear in a chat with French journalists at the Elysée. “François Hollande returned to the status of a potential first lady, saying: 'I don’t want any more first ladies in the future at the Elysée’,” Mr Darmon said. One of Mr Hollande’s advisers told Le Figaro newspaper on Monday: “If there must be a split, it must be dignified and elegant regarding Valérie Trierweiler. And above all, Julie Gayet mustn’t instantly move into the Elysée.” Rather, Mr Hollande should remain a “bachelor president” for the time being, the adviser is cited as saying. Elysée sources told the Telegraph that while Miss Trierweiler was keen on remaining a couple, the president’s mind is made up and that he was “in negotiations, including legal ones” to end the relationship. The Elysée said that Mr Hollande had already planned to go the Netherlands alone before news of his affair broke. On Monday, Mr Hollande told reporters at the Hague that Miss Trierweiler “is feeling better and is resting at this time”. On Saturday she left the Salpétrière hospital for La Lanterne, a hunting lodge near the Palace of Versailles used as a presidential retreat, thanking well-wishers for their support “from the bottom of my heart”. It was unclear whether the president, who had paid her one visit in hospital last Thursday, had gone to see her at La Lanterne on Monday. |
法国总统奥朗德日前表示,需要时间在“第一女友”瓦莱丽•特里耶韦莱和朱莉•加耶之间做出选择。目前看来,他似乎已经做出决定。 据英国《每日电讯报》1月20日报道,奥朗德说,未来爱丽舍宫不再有“第一女友”。他的顾问说,总统暂时恢复单身是最明智的决定。 法国新闻台iTele记者米夏埃多•达尔蒙透漏,奥朗德在爱丽舍宫和法国记者聊天时澄清了他的立场,即“未来我不想要爱丽舍宫再有第一夫人”。 奥朗德一个顾问20日告诉法国《费加罗报》:“如果必须有人要离开,那肯定是端庄典雅的瓦莱丽•特里耶韦莱。最重要的是,朱莉•加耶不能马上搬到爱丽舍宫。”奥朗德目前必须保持单身状态。 爱丽舍宫方面的消息称,尽管瓦莱丽希望维持这段恋情,但奥朗德已经下定决心了,他动用“谈判,包括法律方式”结束两人的关系。该消息人士还指出,奥朗德在被爆偷情之前就已经决定不带瓦莱丽出访荷兰。 目前正在荷兰出访的奥朗德告诉记者,瓦莱丽“好多了,正在休息”。瓦莱丽18日出院后搬到了凡尔赛宫附近的总统官邸,但不清楚奥朗德是否前去探望过。 相关阅读 (玉洁 编辑:信莲)
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