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15 Mental Tricks to Fight Depression
Depression is difficult, but there are handy mental tricks you can use, which are proven to work well to lift your mood. Use these mental tricks to build a more positive mindset and keep the black dog at bay. 1. Don’t catastrophize Stop thinking about the worst-case scenario, and all the things that could possibly go wrong. Instead, step back and take a realistic look at life. Nothing is ever the end of the world, after all. 2. Stop ruminating A lot of bad moods are worsened by the fact that you keep thinking about them, and feeling sorry for yourself. Stop being so concerned with how you feel. You’ll never change things by getting stuck in thinking about them – take action instead, to make things better. 3. Get perspective If you think your depression has been fueled by a specific event, make sure you’re not blowing things out of proportion. A chat with a caring friend may help you to see your way through the fog. 4. Focus on the positives Realize that your mood may be magnifying the bad things in life, and you may find yourself focusing on the negative. Instead, look for what’s good in a situation, even if it’s just a lesson or a chance to grow stronger. 5. Don’t over-analyze Running through exactly what has gone wrong, and picking it to pieces, rarely helps. Instead of endlessly going over the problem, and getting bogged down in the details, start thinking about possible solutions. 6. Be kind to yourself When people feel bad, they sometimes talk to themselves unkindly, and beat themselves up. What you need right now is a friend, not an enemy. Make sure your words and deeds are gentle and encouraging. 7. Don’t dwell on the past It’s totally pointless to worry about the past, because you can’t change it. The best thing about the past is that it’s over. Allow yourself to move on. 8. Don’t fret about the future The only power you have to change things is in the present moment, so it’s a waste of time worrying about the future, especially as you have no idea how things may turn out. Instead, take positive steps now, so you can handle whatever life throws at you. 9. Avoid black-and-white thinking If something has gone wrong, or you made one mistake, it doesn’t mean that your whole life is doomed, or that you’re no good. Cut yourself slack and consider a more balanced version of events. 10. Fake it a bit Science shows that even if you’re not happy, putting on a smile releases feel-good chemicals in your brain. If the mental trick of slapping on a big grin seems a bit much, then try a half-smile instead to lift your mood. 11. Stop being a victim When you’re feeling low, it’s easy to get caught up in believing that bad things are happening because of you. Don’t allow yourself to believe that you’re a victim. You have the power to choose how you react to problems – and that’s the most powerful thing of all. 12. Get moving It’s virtually impossible to hang onto a horrible mood when you’re jogging on the spot, or jumping on a trampoline, because your physiology won’t allow it. Try moving your body and see if that will brighten your mood. 13. Don’t isolate You may be especially sensitive to what other people say and do if you’re feeling down, but remember that shutting yourself away will only make you feel worse. Meeting a friend for a quick coffee, or getting fresh air, can only help your frame of mind. 14. Reach out to others Helping other people is a wonderful way of taking the focus off yourself and how you are feeling. Helping others feels good as well, so it’s a great mental trick to lift your mood. 15. Be grateful It’s very difficult to be depressed if you can write a long list of all the things you love in your life. Not so much a mental trick, as a realization of what you’re very lucky to have, despite this tough time you’re going through. |
战胜抑郁不容易,但这里的15条便利小贴士,能帮助你快速改善心情,建立起乐观心态,走出抑郁。 1. 不要小题大作 不要陷入无畏的恐慌,比如事情将会最糟糕的方向发展,所有事情都可能会出错。 要退一步,实事求是地看待生活。毕竟一次出错并不等于世界末日。 2. 不要想太多 想得越多,心情越糟,自己越难受。不要过分关注自己的负面情绪。想再多也是于事无补,倒不如行动起来,让事情更顺心。 3. 向他人寻求帮助 如果某件事非常棘手,让你更加郁闷难解,千万不要夸大困难。找个朋友聊一下,说不定对方能给你指点迷津。 4. 要看到事物积极的一面 当你意识到自己情绪因生活中不如意之事而波动过大,那可能是因为你只看到了事物消极的一面。为何不去寻找一下里面的积极因素,把这当成自己变得更加强大的教训和机会呢? 5. 不要过度分析 对过错耿耿于怀,细化分析,对缓解抑郁毫无帮助。与其无休止的回想问题,深陷于细枝末节处无法自拔,倒不如想想有效的解决办法。 6. 对自己好些 人们由于情绪低落而自骂或者自虐。这时候,你要友好地对待自己,而不是跟自己过不去。要确保你的言行温和有礼,鼓舞人心。 7. 莫沉溺于过去 昨日之事已成定局,多思无益。即使昨日再美好,都已逝去。要向前看。 8. 莫担忧未来 你只能改变当下的事情,所以,担心未来是件浪费时间的事情,特别是你对事情的走向一无所知时。相反,从现在开始积极行动,这样你才能经受生活的考验 9. 避免“非黑即白”的是非观 如果事情出了问题,或者犯了个错误,这并不意味着生活就此毁灭,你一无是处。不要对自己苛求,要学会更全面地看待问题。 10. 阿Q一下 科学证明,即使在不开心的时候,微笑也可以促进大脑释放兴奋因子。如果你觉得开怀大笑有些过了的话,可以尝试用微笑来改善你的心情。 11 别把自己当成受害者 当你情绪低落时,你会以为那些不愉快皆是因你而起。不要把自己当成受害者。你有能力去选择自己应对困难的心态,态度决定一切。 12.运动一下 慢跑,跳蹦床可以让你远离沮丧,因为运动时生理是兴奋的。可以尝试去运动一下,改善心情。 13. 不要自我封闭 情绪不佳时,对别人的言行会特别敏感,但此时把自己封闭起来心情会更糟。和朋友出去喝杯咖啡,或出外呼吸新鲜空气,可以帮助你调整心绪。 14. 帮助别人 帮助他人可以转移注意力和稳定情绪,也使自己感觉良好,不失为改善心情的良方。 15. 学会感恩 将你生命中所喜爱的事情一一罗列出来,会让你心情愉悦。与其说它是心理疗法,更不如说它教你认清自己有多幸运,困难只是暂时的。 相关阅读 (译者 hjiaxin99 编辑 齐磊) |
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