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Furious Kremlin hurls abuse at Charles as Putin's men kill FOURTEEN in bloodiest Ukraine clash yet
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Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, share a smile at the Manitoba Legislature in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in the final engagement of their trip to Canada. He will become its king as well as the United Kingdom's when he accedes to the throne. |
Russia yesterday lashed out at Prince Charles for comparing Vladimir Putin to Hitler, publicly questioning his fitness to be king. As controversy continued to rage around the world, Russia's foreign ministry said his remarks were 'unacceptable, outrageous and dishonourable' and 'not worthy of a future British monarch'. The Daily Mail revealed earlier this week the prince's extraordinary remarks as he met Second World War veterans and their families on his Canada visit. His remarks were seen as a reference to Putin's seizure of Crimea. 'And now Putin is doing just about the same as Hitler,' he said. Russian diplomats insisted on meeting counterparts in London, where they are understood to have demanded an official explanation. But the frosty 40-minute talks at the Foreign Office in London ended without agreement when British officials flatly refused to discuss Charles's words – and instead attacked Russia for seeking to destabilise eastern Ukraine. 'There was not a meeting of minds,' said one senior Whitehall source. As the diplomatic crisis escalated: * Pro-Putin media in Russia linked the Royal Family to the Nazis in retaliation for Charles's attack. * The Russian leader's biographer condemned the prince's remarks, insisting he had no 'plans for world domination as Hitler openly did'. * Charles flew back to Britain at the end of his tour of Canada, where he made his comments. * The Foreign Office said it had told Russian diplomats to stop interfering in Ukraine's presidential elections taking place on Sunday. * A Russian newspaper close to the regime attacked Charles as 'a clearly defined eccentric' whose remarks were in keeping with his 'royal foolishness'. Russian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich questioned whether Charles was fit to be king after his broadside comparing Putin and Hitler. 'If these words were really said, then undoubtedly they are not worthy of a future British monarch,' he said. Privately, Charles has expressed his frustration that his trip has been dominated by a remark that was not, to his mind, a political statement but an expression of sympathy. |
据英国《每日邮报》5月22日报道,英国王储查尔斯近日访问加拿大时将俄罗斯总统普京比作希特勒,对此俄罗斯外交部21日予以猛烈抨击,称查尔斯的言论“离谱、低级、令人无法接受”,“他不配当英国国王。” 此前,查尔斯王子在私下谈话中告诉一位在纳粹大屠杀中失去亲人的女士,“普京目前在乌克兰的作为,犹如二战期间的希特勒。”此番评论是针对普京占取克里米亚。 俄罗斯外交官要求与英国外交部会面并对此事作出解释,但在40分钟的会谈中,英国官员拒绝对查尔斯王子的言论作出评价,并指责俄罗斯破坏乌克兰稳定。 据英国政府人员透露:“会议未达成一致。”这件外交风波正在不断升级: * 俄罗斯亲普京媒体因对查尔斯的言论不满而把英国王室比作纳粹组织。 * 普京传记作者谴责查尔斯王子的言论,并坚称普京“不像希特勒那样计划统治世界。” * 查尔斯结束对加拿大的访问后飞回英国。 * 英国外交部称已警告俄罗斯停止干预乌克兰25日即将举行的总统大选。 * 一份亲俄政府的报纸攻击查尔斯为“怪人一枚”,并称他的言论与他的“皇室愚蠢”相一致。 俄罗斯外交部发言人卢卡舍维奇表示:“如果这些话是真的,那么毫无疑问,他未来不配当英国国王。” 对此,查尔斯王子私下表示,他的此番言论仅仅是为了表达同情,并非政治言论,自己也没想到此次访问完全被这场风波所主导,这令他非常沮丧。 (译者 高晴 编辑 Julie) 扫一扫,关注微博微信
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