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Professional Soccer Team Will Hold 'Luis Suarez Fangs Night'
The 167 bettors who cashed in on the Luis Suarez's latest bite aren't the only ones who will benefit from the incident. The National Premier Soccer League's Fort Worth Vaqueros announced that they will host "Luis Suarez Fangs Night" on June 29. What does "Luis Suarez Fangs Night" include? For starters, the first 50 fans to show up to Vaqueros owner Michael Hitchcock’s barbecue—which includes free “Chiellini” dogs and Jarritos soft drinks—in the LaGrave Field parking lot on Sunday will receive a free pair of fangs. Those fangs will essentially serve as a ticket to the team's game, as those fans will get in for free. Even if some fans aren't one of the first 50 fans to show up to the barbecue, they will be able to get into the game for relatively cheap. In order to get in for free, all they have to do is find a pair of fangs and bring them to the game. Vaqueros director of business operations Tobias Xavier Lopez explained why the team is holding the promotion: The World Cup can be filled with magical moments of skill but the pageantry of the tournament also includes those ridiculous moments of absurdity that add another layer of color. Luis Suarez just joined Maradonna’s ‘Hand of God’ goal or Zidane’s headbutt in the lore of wonderfully outrageous moments. Fort Worth is looking to get fans to pack the stadium for a crucial game as they look to make the playoffs. Luckily, the Vaqueros are able to offer a bizarre promotion like this to try to encourage fans to come out and show their support. |
167名球迷因赛前下注苏亚雷斯咬人而获利,但他们并非唯一因此次事件受益者。据体育网站bleacherreport报道,美国超级足球联盟( National Premier Soccer League)球队“沃斯堡牧童队”(Fort Worth Vaqueros)宣布,他们将于6月29日举办“苏亚雷斯尖牙之夜”(Luis Suarez Fangs Night)活动。 “苏亚雷斯尖牙之夜”都包括什么项目?周日,牧童队老板希区柯克(Michael Hitchcock)将在拉格拉夫球场(LaGrave Field )举办烧烤野餐,届时将提供免费的“基耶利尼”热狗和Jarritos软饮,前50名到达现场野餐现场的球迷将免费获得一对尖牙。这些尖牙其实是球队比赛的门票,拥有尖牙的球迷可以免费入场看球。 即使一些在50名以后达到的球迷,也能以较低的价格观看比赛。为了免费入场,所有人必须找到一对尖牙,并带到球场。 牧童队的业务运营总监洛佩兹解释了为什么球队会举办这样的活动: “世界杯既可以充满很多球技炫目的瞬间,也可以拥有很多荒唐可笑的时刻,后者为这一盛事庆典添上一抹不一样的色彩。同马拉多纳的“上帝之手”、齐达内的头顶对手一样,苏亚雷斯这一咬也可算作令人惊叹的疯狂时刻了。” 沃斯堡市希望球迷可以包下整个体育场观看一场重要比赛,让他们看起来有能力举办季后赛。幸运的是,牧童队恰好能够举办这样一个奇葩的活动来招揽球迷,并得到他们的支持。 (译者 SurpassZhao 编辑 齐磊) 扫一扫,关注微博微信
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