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As a sex researcher, I've been thinking about how much the World Cup players have been thinking about having sex – even if they aren't supposed to be participating in sexual activity. The team-by-team rules governing players' sexual behavior during competition this year are varied, and the "evidence" that those rules matter is weak. But the round of 16 is nearly complete, and while no managers have sanctioned sex on the field, it would seem those countries that allow scoring off the field ... are still advancing in the tournament: Costa Rica won again – after its players were allowed to have sex upon reaching the second round. France (whose players can have sex, just not all night) just beat Nigeria (wife OK; girlfriend, not OK). Brazil (no acrobatics, please) pulled out that miracle win over Chile (no sex allowed). Germany (unlimited sex except the night before) had a big comeback victory over Algeria (sex rules unknown). So, Team USA and England were allowed to go for unrestricted sexual goals, and we know those teams are going in opposite directions. But all the teams with public anti-sex policies at the World Cup have been knocked out. Much of whatever coaches think they know about the relationship between sexual release and athletic performance, however, is myth. What little actual scientific research has been done suggests that sexual activity the night before a game may be helpful if it results in relaxation and a good night's sleep, but there has been far too little research. Indeed, there is no evidence whatsoever that being in a sexually deprived state will help athletic performance. Ultimately, it matters little whether players can engage in sex during the World Cup – or hook up all over the Olympic village – but the motley mixture of rules provides a microcosm of what can happen in the absence of solid data. When myths and stereotypes are more influential than research findings, misconceptions get perpetuated. A man who believes he is supposed to be thinking about sex constantly might feel there is something wrong with him if he doesn't. An athlete who believes his team will lose if he engages in sexual activity could become a victim of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Why not attempt to address these everyday (and night) issues by funding and supporting more and better empirical research on sexuality? It would be a big score – not just for athletes and sex research but an important goal for anyone who believes that sex is a healthy part of life. And there would certainly be no shortage of volunteers to participate in the research. |
据英国《卫报》报道,即使世界杯期间球员不该进行任何性行为,作为一个性学研究者,我还是一直在想球员们在这期间有多少性幻想。 今年世界杯期间,球队对于束缚球员性行为的规定各有特色,基本没有证据显示那些规定起到了作用,如今16进8基本已经结束,禁止性行为的球队全部出局,而那些允许在场下“射门”的球队反而昂首挺进8强。 · 哥斯达黎加再夺胜利,在球队接近进入第二轮后球员获准可以有性生活。 · 法国(允许球员有性行为,只要不是整夜)刚击败了尼日利亚 (对象只能是妻子不能是女友) · 巴西(不允许用高难度杂耍动作)奇迹般击败智利(不允许性行为) · 德国(性爱自由,只要不是比赛前夜)卷土重来击败阿尔及利亚(规定未知) 美国和英格兰在床上“进球”方面全无限制,但两队的结局却和胜利截然相反。目前所有公开禁止性行为的球队都已被淘汰,不管那些教练以为他们对于性放松和竞技状态的关系了解多深入,这些看法都没经过证实。真正对于比赛前夜进行性行为是否有助于放松和获得好的睡眠的科学研究做的很少,实在是太少了。当然,也没有证据证明完全被剥夺性生活是有助于球员的竞技表现的。 总之,无论是球员在世界杯期间做爱做的事,还是运动员约遍整个奥运村,其实都无关紧要。但是各种各样,鱼龙混杂的规定给我们提供了一个缩影,让我们看到缺乏坚实的数据支持会发生什么。谣言和固定的成见比研究发现更有影响力,到处都是错误的观念。一个男人如果没有频繁的性幻想,又认为男人应该如此的话,他可能会觉得自己有问题。一个运动员如果相信自己比赛前的性行为会导致队伍失利的话,他可能会变成自我实现失败的受害者。 为何不通过资助更多的性学实验研究来解决这一日常问题呢?这将是一个完美的进球得分,不仅对运动员和性学研究,对相信性是健康生活一部分的人也是如此。而且这方面的研究,绝对是不缺少志愿者参与的。 (译者 阿呆爱小纯 编辑 齐磊) 扫一扫,关注微博微信
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