当前位置: test> DB> 2015lt> 2015BBC> Authentic Real English
The script of this programme 本节目台词
Feifei: 欢迎收听BBC英语教学为你制作的《地道英语》节目。大家好,我是冯菲菲。Rob... Rob? Where's Rob?
Rob: (Door opens) Oh hi Feifei... you couldn't lend me £10 could you?
Feifei: Rob! 你来晚了,不赶快开始录节目,反而问我借钱,你这都哪跟哪儿呀?You're supposed to be presenting this programme. Anyway, what do you want £10 for? And what's that... stuff all over your clothes?
Rob: Well, I was running to get to the studio and I bumped into a woman.
Feifei: Right... So, what do you need £10 for? Your laundry bill?
Rob: No, she dropped a big box she was carrying and said I would have to pay for the damage - and if I didn't, her daughter would be really upset!
Feifei: Oh! Rob 不小心撞到了一位女士,惹了点小麻烦。He is in a sticky situation. Rob 遇到了一个棘手的情况。
Rob: Well, that's true. You mean I'm in a situation that is difficult to get out of?
Feifei: Exactly. 给你10镑前,你快去解决你的问题把。Now you can go and un-stick the situation!
Rob: Thanks Feifei. I think we should hear some examples of this phrase while I go and pay the woman...
Feifei: 短语 a sticky situation 指的是一个困难的、另人尴尬的又很棘手、敏感的局面。(Door opens again) Ah, Rob you're back...
Rob: ...yes, yes. She's happy now and is going back to the bakery again.
Feifei: The bakery? Why what was in the box she was carrying?
Rob: A big birthday cake for her daughter.
Feifei: Oh no, you were in a sticky situation in more ways than one!
Rob: I suppose I was.
Both: Bye.
上一篇 : A close shave 侥幸的脱险
下一篇 : In black and white 白纸黑字
Email: languagetips@chinadaily.com.cn