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Is the marriage between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in crisis?
Angelina Jolie recently admitted that her life with Brad Pitt is far from a fairy tale, and that the Hollywood couple have their problems. The 40-year-old Oscar winner spoke about their relationship in Vogue's November issue. She also clarified that their upcoming film, By The Sea, in which she stars with Pitt as a couple in the 1970s, "is not autobiographical."
"Brad and I have our issues, but if the characters were even remotely close to our problems we couldn't have made the film," Jolie told Vogue magazine in their November issue. "As artists we wanted something that took us out of our comfort zones. Just being raw actors. It's not the safest idea. But life is short."
“布拉德和我有我们自己的问题,但如果电影中角色的感情问题和我们有丝毫相关,我们就不会拍这部电影了,”朱莉在十一月号《Vogue》的采访中说道,“作为艺术家,我们也走出安逸,只做个新手。这不是最保险的做法,但生命短暂,要做的事还很多。” 作为艺术家,我们想要拍些更有挑战性的东西,而不只是表现自己。这不是最保险的想法,但生命短暂,值得一试。
Angelina Jolie directed the film, and the project marks the first time the couple has acted on screen together since 2005, when they fell in love on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
Over the last few months, a possible divorce between the two Hollywood stars has often been spoken of. Citing a previous report from Hollywood Life, the magazine In Touch recently reported that one of the most stable marriages in Hollywood could come to an end. A source close to the famous couple allegedly revealed that Brad had filed for divorce from Angelina. The alleged reason is that the actor can no longer stand the pressure and control the actress has on him.
近几个月里,坊间一度传言这对好莱坞明星夫妇可能要离婚。美国的八卦杂志“接触”(intouch)最近引用了八卦网站“好莱坞生活”(Hollywood Life)此前的报道称,这对好莱坞感情最稳固的情侣之一可能要分道扬镳。一位与这对知名夫妇交好的知情人士称,因皮特受不了朱莉给他施加的压力和要控制她不让她给他施压,已向她提出离婚。
"He says she's controlled him from day one of their relationship," the source told the publication. "Although he liked her taking charge at first, he's come to resent the power he's allowed her to have over him."
Furthermore, the drastic decrease in Angelina Jolie's weight is reportedly also causing problems in her marriage. A new report says the actor has given an ultimatum to his wife to seek help for her eating disorder or he will file for divorce. According to reports, Brad has tried for months to help Angelina with her weight loss battle, but it is believed that it is not helping at all. That's why this time, he has asked Jolie to seek intervention or else he will have no choice but to leave with their children.
According to Star Pulse, the main concern about the mother of six is a reported "grave" health crisis that has left her down to a paltry 83 pounds.
据八卦网站“明星动态”(Star Pulse)消息称,这个六个孩子的母亲所面临的主要问题是“严峻的”健康危机,她现在体重已掉到不到83磅。
"She's always been thin, but it's never been this bad before. She's at an all-time low," said the source. "He's tried for months to help her, and Brad is at the end of his rope. He told her if she doesn't check into rehab for her eating disorder, he's leaving and taking the kids with him."
The tabloid suggested that Angelina and Brad have had serious fights about her alleged anorexia for nearly a year. The constant arguments have reportedly affected the actor. However, a report from Gossip Cop claims to debunk the allegation, calling the report "totally untrue."
该小报还认为,将近一年时间,朱莉和皮特都因为这个传闻中的厌食症打得不可开交。据悉,不断的争吵给皮特带来不小的影响。然而,网站“八卦警察”(Gossip Cop)对这一报道进行了反驳,称它“完全失实”。
The following text is an excerpt from Gossip Cop's report saying that the divorce rumors are false.
"This is all very dramatic and, more importantly, inaccurate. The magazine has a shameful history of making up claims about the couple, and using Jolie's health and body to do so is the true 'all-time low.' A source close to the stars exclusively tells Gossip Cop the report is 'totally untrue,' not to mention despicable."
“这个说法很戏剧化,更重要的是,完全失实。这个杂志一直以来有着捏造关于皮特夫妇传言的黑历史,用朱莉的健康和身体状况来做噱头才是最可耻的。 一位与皮特夫妇交好的线人向Gossip Cop独家爆料,这个报道’完全是胡编乱造’, 而且低劣至极。”
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