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Cheers! The world's first beer pipeline is now open
A beer pipeline. It sounds like an ale lover's wildest dream.
It's no longer a fantasy in the Belgian city of Bruges, where the world's first beer pipeline opened last week.
The two-mile pipe connects the Halve Maan brewery in the city's historic center with a bottling plant in the suburbs.
这条两英里长的管道将位于该市历史中心的Halve Maan啤酒厂和郊区的装瓶厂连接了起来。
It's a practical solution to the logistical nightmare of having trucks thundering daily through the narrow cobbled streets of a medieval town, the brewery said.
The old town of Bruges is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Halve Maan is one of the fastest growing breweries in Belgium, and the traffic it was generating was becoming unsustainable.
布鲁日古镇是联合国教科文组织评定的世界遗产。Halve Maan啤酒厂是比利时发展最快的啤酒厂,由此带来的交通问题已经让现状难以持续。
The pipeline means the brewery can stay in its current location within the town center, where it has been brewing for the past 500 years. The last beer tanker left the brewery last week, Halve Maan said.
有了啤酒管道,意味着Halve Maan啤酒厂可以继续在市中心的现址酿制啤酒,正如过去500年来一样。该啤酒厂称,最后一辆运输啤酒的罐车已经于上周离开啤酒厂。
The pipeline was partly financed by a crowdfunding campaign, which raised more than 300,000 euros of the four million needed. Halve Maan said it set a record for crowdfunding in Belgium.
建造这一啤酒管道的部分资金来源于一个众筹活动。啤酒管道工程需要400万欧元,而众筹活动募集了30多万欧元。Halve Maan啤酒厂说,这刷新了比利时的众筹纪录。
The pipeline is 3,276 meters (2 miles) long, and runs 34 meters (111 feet) below the surface at its deepest point. It passes under the town's historic canals and ramparts. Roughly 4,000 liters of beer, enough to fill 12,000 bottles, flows through the pipeline in an hour.
It is equipped with the latest technology to ensure the quality of the beer is maintained throughout its journey. It also has a cleaning and flushing system to keep the pipe clean.
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