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1. 河长制
river chief system
The general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council have jointly issued a document to implement a river chief system nationwide.
中办、国办11日正式公布《关于全面推行河长制的意见》,提出在全国江河湖泊(rivers and lakes)推行"河长制(river chief/keeper system)",到2018年年底前全面建立河长制。根据《意见》,我国将全面建立省、市、县、乡四级河长体系(establish provincial, municipal, and county- and township-level river chief systems),并任命地方各级政府领导为河长(appoint heads of local government at various levels as river chiefs)。各省(自治区、直辖市)需任命省级政府领导为总河长(each province, autonomous region and municipality should appoint its government head as its general river chief);市长和县长应负责行政区域(administrative region)内水资源的保护。
各级河长(river chief)是河湖管护(management and protection of rivers and lakes)的第一责任人。各级河长的主要任务包括:加强水资源保护(water resource protection)、加强河湖水域岸线管理保护(shoreline management and protection)、加强水污染防治(water pollution prevention and control)、加强水环境治理(water environment management)、加强水生态修复(ecological restoration)以及加强执法监管(law enforcement monitoring)。
根据《意见》,河长的工作表现(job performance)将接受考核,负责的水体出现环境损害的,将被问责(they will be held accountable if environmental damage occurs in the waters they take charge of)。各省(自治区、直辖市)党委和政府(Party committee and government)要在每年1月底前将上年度的贯彻落实情况上报。
河流污染 river pollution
水污染 water contamination
水质检测 water quality test
河道 watercourse
非法排污 illegal discharge of pollutants
政绩 political performance
公众监督 public supervision
2. 最重雾霾
most severe smog
Beijing has issued its first air pollution red alert of the year, as the most severe smog since autumn is set to start on Friday night and last for five days.
据北京市环保局消息,北京将于16日20时启动空气重污染红色预警(the red alert for heavy air pollution will take effect from 8 pm Friday)。16日至21日红警启动期间,国Ⅰ、国Ⅱ排放标准机动车(cars with National I and II emission standards)禁止上路行驶,国Ⅲ及以上机动车单双号行驶(be allowed to drive on alternate days based on an odd-or-even license plate rule);机动车违反上述规定的,将被处以100元罚款(be fined RMB100)。目前,北京及天津政府已发出通知,要求关闭建筑工地(shut down construction sites)并建议部分工厂停工、学校停课(schools are advised to suspend classes)。自21日夜间起空气质量预计将有所改善(air quality is expected to improve),届时将根据空气质量实况及预报适时解除预警。
环保部(the Ministry of Environmental Protection)还向天津市、河北省、山西省、山东省、河南省人民政府发函,通报空气质量预测预报信息(air quality forecasts),提出预警提示建议。除北京市外,京津冀周边20余城市也已相继发布红警(more than 20 cities around the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region have also issued red alerts),9城市发布橙色预警(orange alert)。环保部将派出13个督查组(inspection teams),就地方政府是否采取适当措施开展督查(check whether local governments have taken appropriate measures)。此外,环保部还将严厉打击企业超标排放等违法行为,加大重点企业及燃煤设施的监督检查力度,落实机动车限行(traffic restriction)等措施,保障各项应对措施落实到位。
碳排放 carbon emission
空气末日 airpocalypse
国家安全标准 national safety level
交通拥堵 traffic jam/congestion
空气净化器 air purifier
空气过滤口罩 air filtration face mask
3. 春运火车票
train tickets for the Spring Festival travel rush
Train tickets for the first day of the Spring Festival travel rush went on sale Thursday.
我国一年一度的春运(the annual Spring Festival travel rush)被誉为世界最大规模人口迁徙(the world's largest human migration)。春运从2017年1月13日起至2月21日止,共40天,是自2013年以来启动最早的一次春运。同时受铁路新线调图影响,网购火车票预售期(pre-sale period)从60天调整为30天,车站售票窗口(ticket booth)、代售点(ticket agency)、自动售票机(automatic ticket vending machine)预售期由58天调整为28天。本月15日起,2017年春运火车票(train tickets for the Spring Festival travel rush)启动互联网和电话预售。按现行预售期计算,除夕(1月27日)车票将在本月29日开售(go on sale)。
中国铁路总公司(China Railway Corporation)预计,2017年春运中国铁路预计发送旅客3.56亿人次(the country's rail network will handle 356m journeys during the travel rush),同比增加3156万人次,增幅达9.7%。春运期间,全国铁路计划增开旅客列车(passenger train)以应对增加的客流量,并将简化购票流程(simplify ticket purchase procedures)以提升服务。通过官方购票网站(official ticket purchasing website)12306.cn购票,近六成车票购买时不再需要输入验证码(verification code)。
12306手机客户端也在本月初进行了更新升级,客户端首页置顶了四大服务:查询列车正晚点信息(check if the trains are on schedule)、温馨服务、查询全国各地火车站的车票起售时间(check the start of tickets pre-sale period in all railway stations across the country)和约车(car hailing)。温馨服务的服务类型包括重点旅客预约(VIP passenger reservation service)、遗失物品查找(lost and found)、质量服务投诉(complaints about service quality)、网络购票(buy/purchase tickets online)投诉、建议及客服(customer service)电话查询。
自助进站通道 self-service check-in lane
订票取票 ticket booking and pickup
囤票 hoard tickets
临客列车 temporary train
售票诈骗 ticket sale fraud
倒票 ticket scalping
黄牛 scalper
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