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义乌市委常委、副市长骆华勇(中)为首批“一照一码”经营户发放营业执照。 陈群阳 摄 |
China will keep integrating business certifications and licenses into one consolidated business license, which is to further reduce institutional costs for market entities and stimulate market vitality as part of the country's business registration reform.
所谓的“多证合一”(integrating multiple certifications and licenses into one consolidated business license),是在去年已经全面实施的工商营业执照(business license)、组织机构代码证(organization code certificate)和税务(tax registration certificate)、社会保险(social security registration)、统计登记证(statistical registration certificate)“五证合一”改革的基础上,将涉及市场主体登记、备案(market entity registration and record)等有关事项和各类证照进一步整合到营业执照上。逐步使“一照一码”营业执照(a unified business license with a unified social credit code)成为企业走天下的唯一“身份证”。
会议要求,进一步梳理涉企证照事项。对没有法律法规依据、非按法定程序设定的一律取消(Any of enterprise-related certificates and licenses with no statuary foundations or set without due legal procedures will be canceled);对关系公共安全等需要继续保留的要实行准入清单管理,并完善和加强事中事后监管(Supervision will be strengthened to oversee registration and post-registration procedures)。
作为推进供给侧结构性改革(supply-side structural reform)和行政改革(administrative reforms)的重要举措,多证合一将进一步转变政府职能(transform governmental functions),释放改革带来的红利(unleash benefits enabled by reforms)。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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