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“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛 Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which takes the theme "strengthening international cooperation and co-building the 'Belt and Road' for win-win development," will be held from May 14 to 15 in Beijing. President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony and host a round-table leaders' summit.
“一带一路”(the Belt and Road)指“丝绸之路经济带”(the Silk Road Economic Belt)和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”(the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road)。2013年9月和10月,中国国家主席习近平在出访中亚和东南亚国家期间,先后提出共建“一带一路”的重大倡议,得到国际社会高度关注。
“一带一路”贯穿亚欧非大陆,一头是活跃的东亚经济圈(the vibrant East Asia economic circle),一头是发达的欧洲经济圈(developed European economic circle),中间广大腹地国家经济发展潜力巨大。丝绸之路经济带重点畅通中国经中亚、俄罗斯至欧洲(波罗的海);中国经中亚、西亚至波斯湾、地中海;中国至东南亚、南亚、印度洋。21世纪海上丝绸之路重点方向是从中国沿海港口过南海到印度洋,延伸至欧洲;从中国沿海港口过南海到南太平洋。
“一带一路”建设是沿线各国开放合作的宏大经济愿景,需各国携手努力,朝着互利互惠、共同安全的目标(the objectives of mutual benefit and common security)相向而行。努力实现区域基础设施更加完善(improve the region's infrastructure),安全高效的陆海空通道网络基本形成(put in place a secure and efficient network of land, sea and air passages),互联互通达到新水平(lift their connectivity to a higher level);投资贸易便利化水平进一步提升(further enhance trade and investment facilitation),高标准自由贸易区网络基本形成(establish a network of free trade areas that meet high standards),经济联系更加紧密(maintain closer economic ties),政治互信更加深入(deepen political trust);人文交流更加广泛深入(enhance cultural exchanges),不同文明互鉴共荣(encourage different civilizations to learn from each other),各国人民相知相交、和平友好(promote mutual understanding, peace and friendship among people of all countries)。
本次论坛主要活动包括开幕式、领导人圆桌峰会和高级别会议三部分。领导人参加的圆桌峰会是本次论坛的重点,分为两个阶段,第一阶段议题是:“加强政策和发展战略对接,深化伙伴关系”(better integrate the policies and development strategies of the countries along the Belt and Road, deepen partnership); 第二阶段议题是:“推进互联互通务实合作,实现联动发展”(push forward connectivity and practical cooperation and achieve inter-connected development)。圆桌峰会期间将举行工作午餐,领导人将围绕“促进人文交流合作”(enhance people-to-people exchange and cooperation)议题展开讨论。
论坛总体以“五通”为主线:政策沟通(policy coordination)、设施联通(facilities connectivity)、贸易畅通(unimpeded trade)、资金融通(financial integration)、民心相通(people-to-people bond)。
中国品牌日 Chinese Brands Day
China's State Council has approved a "Chinese Brands Day," to be held on May 10 each year starting this year, according to a statement made public Tuesday.
2016年6月20日,国务院办公厅发布《关于发挥品牌引领作用推动供需结构升级的意见》,提出设立“中国品牌日”(Chinese Brands Day),大力宣传知名自主品牌(publicize brands owned independently by Chinese companies),讲好中国品牌故事。
“中国品牌日”鼓励各级电视台、广播电台以及平面、网络等媒体,在重要时段(prime time)、重要版面(front page)安排自主品牌公益宣传,定期举办中国自主品牌博览会(holding expositions for Chinese domestic-owned brands on a regular basis),在重点出入境口岸设置自主品牌产品展销厅(setting up exhibition halls for products of domestic-owned brands at major entry and exit ports),在世界重要市场举办中国自主品牌巡展推介会(hosting promotional tours for domestic-owned brands at major global markets),扩大自主品牌的知名度和影响力(expand visibility and influence of domestic-owned brands)。
网络百科全书 online encyclopaedia
The third edition of the Chinese Encyclopaedia is due to go online for the first time sometime next year, announced the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Over 20,000 scholars from universities and research institutes across the country will participate in the massive national online encyclopaedia program, including more than 300 academics and 30 members of the CAS, Liu Guohui, associate executive editor-in-chief of the project and director of the Encyclopedia of China Publishing House (ECPH), has told senior scientists.
《中国大百科全书》第三版定位于新型的网络百科全书(online encyclopaedia),是基于信息化技术和互联网,进行知识生产、分发和传播的国家大型公共知识服务平台(a large national platform for public knowledge service based on information technology and the internet that produces, distributes and spreads knowledge),目标是编纂一部代表世界最高水平的网络化和数字化的《中国大百科全书》(compile an internet-based digital encyclopaedia on-par with the world's best)。
《中国大百科全书》第三版执行总主编杨牧之在中科院的会议上对资深科学家说:“《中国大百科全书》不是一本书,而是一座文化万里长城(The Encyclopaedia of China is not a book, but a Great Wall of culture)。”
《中国大百科全书》第三版首期目标为 30余万条内容,每条约 1000 字(more than 300,000 entries at about 1,000 words each),内容涉及103个学科,是《大英百科全书》的两倍,规模堪比中文版维基百科。该项目在2011年就已获中国国务院的批准。
参与中国新百科全书编纂的历史学家黄安年表示,维基百科是需要格外注意的竞争者,“读者认为它权威、准确……但我们拥有世界上规模最大、最优质的编纂队伍……我们的目标不是追赶而是超越(Our goal is not to catch up, but overtake)。”
沙尘暴 sandstorm
Large amounts of dust and sand blowing in on strong winds from Mongolia and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region have swept large areas in the northwest and north since Wednesday, driving air pollution indexes to hazardous levels and lowering visibility.
本次沙尘暴(sandstorm)影响面积占我国国土六分之一,多地空气质量爆表(exceed the upper limit of the air quality index),沙尘过程影响范围和强度,均创下今年以来之最。专家表示,造成如此大范围沙尘天气的原因——是由于近期北方地区降水少(less precipitation)、气温高(high temperature),以及风速大(strong wind)、沙尘输送强(large-scale transport of dust)等。
PM2.5是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物(particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter),可直接进入人体的肺泡(alveoli of the lungs),也称为可入肺颗粒物。它的直径还不到人的头发丝粗细的1/20。虽然PM2.5只是地球大气成分中含量很少的组分,但它对空气质量和能见度(air quality and visibility)等有重要的影响。与较粗的大气颗粒物相比,PM2.5粒径小,富含大量的有毒、有害物质(toxic and hazardous matters)且在大气中的停留时间长、输送距离远,因而对人体健康和大气环境质量的影响更大。
PM10是可吸入颗粒物(inhalable particulate matter),一般名称上讲可吸入颗粒物指的是PM10,就是说这个空气中颗粒物的直径从空气动力学来讲直径大小是十个微米,是能够吸入呼吸道的,从上呼吸道,通过声门能够到下呼吸道,所以它叫可吸入颗粒物PM10。
国产客机 homemade passenger jet
While the much-awaited first homemade passenger jet C919 made its maiden flight Friday, it may take much longer for the newcomer to take off in the aviation market.
C919大型客机(large passenger jet/aircraft)由我国自行研制,具有自主知识产权(be self-developed with independent intellectual property rights)。从2007年立项(project setup)到2015年首架客机总装下线(roll off final assembly line),再到今天完成首飞(make its maiden flight),共历时10年。作为完全按照国际主流适航和运营标准研制的干线飞机(trunk-liner),C919受到国内外市场的关注。截至目前,其制造商中国商飞公司已收到来自23家客户的570个订单,其中海外订单(overseas orders)的数量约占总数的10%。
航空业分析人士林智杰称:"C919飞机的首飞意味着中国在国产民用飞机制造业实现重大突破(make a significant breakthrough for China's homemade civil aircraft manufacturing industry),中国将有机会打破波音公司和空中客车集团的垄断(break the monopolies of Boeing and Airbus)。"尽管前景广阔(despite the promising future),但分析人士认为C919不会很快进入市场(the C919's entry to the market won't occur soon),预计其投入运营(go into operation)的时间在2020年到2022年之间。C919首飞成功只是第一步,要从技术成功(technical success)走向商业成功(business success),国产客机还有很长的路要走。
全网络售票 online-only ticket sale
The Palace Museum in Beijing, also known as the Forbidden City, will expand the sale of online tickets on a trial basis from July to October.
After the trial period, the Palace Museum will decide whether to phase out the sale of paper tickets and sell all tickets via the internet.
故宫博物院的网络售票系统(online ticket/booking system)于2011年9月开通,不过一直实行以预售(ticket booking in advance)为主的网络售票政策。也就是说,游客在网络上购买的只能是之后几天的游览门票,如果想当天入院,仍需在故宫门口售票处购买纸质门票。
全网络售票试点(the trial of online-only ticket sale)开始之后,故宫博物院计划在不关闭现场售票窗口的前提下,实行网售当日票(same-day tickets sale online),逐步放开网络预售票额限制。同时,拟在淡季(off season)及未达到8万人限流标准的前提下,开放当日网上购买门票,引导和鼓励观众当日在网上购票参观。
今后,有线上支付能力但不熟悉网络购票(those who have access to online payment but are not familiar with the online ticket system)和有家人或朋友可以代其完成网络购票的观众(those who can get tickets with the help of family or friends),可通过电子屏幕和现场咨询引导完成购票;对既不具备线上支付能力、又没有家人或朋友能代其购票、但是坚持要入院参观的观众,可由现场工作人员引导至综合服务窗口,由服务人员代为完成购票工作,并打印二维码,扫码入院。
入学面谈 admission interviews
Two private primary schools in Shanghai were sanctioned Sunday by local education authorities after setting "relaxing" IQ tests for potential students' parents during enrollment.
Shanghai Education Committee posted a notice on Sunday afternoon on Sina Weibo saying that it was acting to "safeguard education equity," and will cut the enrollment quota for the two private schools, Yangpu Primary School and Qingpu World Foreign Language Primary School.
根据上海市教委的统一安排,5月6日至7日,上海市民办学校(private schools)集中进行2017年度秋季学期入学面谈(admission interviews)。而自6日起,陆续有学生家长发现,面谈的考察对象,除了学生本身外,似乎更偏重于家长情况。
7日晚,上海市教委回应此事称,两校的相关行为,“有违义务教育法和本市招生政策中强调的促进教育公平和维护中小学生教育权益的基本原则”(violate the compulsory education law and the city's basic principle of promoting fair education and protecting students' education rights),并对涉事两校作出在全市教育系统通报批评,责成涉事两校所在区教育局将此事通报学校董事会并对相关负责人追责,此外,要求两校公开致歉(issue a public apology)并核减明年的招生计划(cut the enrollment quota for the next year)的处理。
蓝鲸游戏 "Blue Whale" game
A social media challenge called "Blue Whale", goading young people to kill themselves, has spread to China, reports China News. Amid fears the suicide game could quickly proliferate on its platforms, Chinese social media giant Tencent has leaped into action by taking down chat groups it deems suspicious and blocking the search of related key words.
“蓝鲸游戏”("Blue Whale" game)是兴起于俄罗斯一社交平台上的“死亡”游戏。整个游戏共历时50天,游戏参与者(challengers/players/participants)每天都需完成管理员布置的一项任务(complete a series of duties given by the administrators),其中包括在早上4点20分起床,观看恐怖电影(watch horror movies),自残(self-mutilation)等内容。每次完成任务后,都需提供图片或视频证据。第50天的任务就是自杀(commit suicide)。
这个游戏最初是由一名被大学开除的心理学学生Philipp Budeikin创建的,他表示,创建这个游戏的目的是,通过逼迫那些他认为没有价值的人自杀来“清理”社会("clean" the society by pushing to suicide to those he deemed as having no value)。
自2015年以来,这个游戏已经通过社交媒体平台传播到阿根廷、巴西、智利、俄罗斯、葡萄牙、乌拉圭等十多个国家,一百多例自杀死亡案件被指与该游戏相关。法国、英国等欧洲国家也对该游戏表示严重关切(show significant concern)。
在巴西,一位设计师还专门发起了名叫“粉鲸”(pink whale)的活动来对抗“蓝鲸”。志愿者们加入“粉鲸”群组,在社交媒体上发起各种珍视生命、对抗抑郁的正能量活动(positive tasks that value life and combat depression)。
腾讯公司通报称,“蓝鲸死亡游戏”这类行为已经涉嫌组织、教唆他人自杀自残(organize and instigate others to commit suicide or self-harm),安全团队已经对涉及该关键词的QQ群进行排查,共对12个疑似相关QQ群进行了处理,同步启动了相关关键词的搜索屏蔽。网友如看到疑似群组应立即报警或者向所在平台举报。
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