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中国日报网 2017-06-01 08:31



扫码打赏 tipping via QR code

A growing trend in China's first-tier cities now gives customers the option to tip the waiters/waitresses in restaurants by scanning a QR code on their uniforms. The tip ranges between 3 and 5 yuan each time.

“扫码打赏”(tipping via QR code)是二维码等数字支付方式(digital payment)走入日常生活的又一个体现。在北上广深等一线城市,一些中大型餐饮机构早已尝试用数字化的方式推动服务升级,比如,网上提前点餐(online ordering)、支付宝或微信买单等。


有的消费者表示,服务员跑前跑后确实很辛苦,打赏一下也能促使服务员提高服务质量(tipping can encourage waiters to provide better service);有的则担心,如果打赏行为成为餐饮界常态,服务人员习惯于接受打赏,则打赏行为将会慢慢失去鼓励提供更优服务的驱动性,一旦有顾客拒绝打赏,就可能遭遇“摆臭脸”的情况(customers who refuse to tip might be treated differently)。

二维码的普及似乎为不少人提供了便利。此前,山东省济南市的一名乞丐就把二维码打印出来挂在胸前“扫码行乞”(begging via QR code),一时间成为人们议论的热点。


类脑智能 brain-inspired intelligence

China National Engineering Laboratory was recently set up by the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei, Anhui Province to develop AI technology by learning human brain mechanisms.

类脑(brain-inspired intelligence)是人工智能(AI technology)发展的重要途径,通过发展类脑智能可以揭示人脑信息处理的途径(ways of information processing in the human brain),有利于完备智能技术体系,推动我国智能产业发展。

由中国科技大学牵头,复旦大学、中科院沈阳自动化所、中科院微电子所和百度公司共同建设的该研究平台将支撑开展类脑认知与神经计算(brain-inspired cognitive and neural computing)、类脑芯片与系统(brain-inspired chips and system)、类脑智能机器人(brain-inspired intelligent robots)等技术的研发与工程化。

类脑实验室主任、中国科技大学信息学院执行院长吴枫介绍,目前类脑智能的发展面临三大瓶颈,即脑机理认知不清楚(brain mechanism cognition is not clear)、类脑计算模型和算法不精确(the brain-inspired computing model and algorithm is not accurate)、计算架构和能力受制约(the calculation structure and capacity is constrained),类脑实验室将围绕这三大瓶颈展开攻关。


债券通 Bond Connect

The trading platform, called Bond Connect, would operate alongside the two existing cross-border Stock Connect programs between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, in a sign of the nation's determination to make its capital market more global.

“债券通”(Bond Connect)是指境内外投资者通过香港与内地债券市场基础设施机构连接,买卖两个市场交易流通债券的机制安排。

初期先开通“北向通”(northbound trading),即香港及其他国家与地区的境外投资者经由香港与内地基础设施机构之间在交易、托管、结算等方面互联互通的机制安排,投资于内地银行间债券市场(allowing Hong Kong and other overseas investors to invest in the China Interbank Bond Market through mutual access between the financial infrastructure institutions in Hong Kong and the mainland with regard to trading, custody, and settlement)。

未来将适时研究扩展至“南向通”(southbound trading),即境内投资者经由两地基础设施机构之间的互联互通机制安排,投资于香港债券市场(allowing mainland investors to invest in Hong Kong's bond market through mutual access between the financial infrastructure institutions of the two places)。

联合公告指出,“债券通”是中央政府支持香港发展、推动内地和香港合作的重要举措,有利于巩固与提升香港国际金融中心地位(cementing the city's position as a world-renowned financial center),有利于稳步推动我国金融市场对外开放(further opening up the financial market),有利于香港的长期繁荣稳定(ensuring its long-term prosperity and stability)。


臭氧污染 ozone pollution

Beijing, Tianjin, and parts of Hebei Province will suffer from moderate to heavy levels of air pollution on May 18 and 19, with O3 as the primary pollutant, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) said Thursday.

臭氧(ozone)是地球大气中一种微量气体,大气中90%以上的臭氧存在于大气层的上部或平流层(stratosphere),离地面有10~50千米,可以吸收太阳释放出来的绝大部分紫外线(ultra-violet ray),使动植物免遭这种射线的危害。但是,近地面大气中的臭氧,主要由人类活动产生的污染物经过一系列复杂的光化学反应(photochemical reaction)而产生,一旦超标,对环境以及人体健康的危害都很大。

地面臭氧(ground-level ozone)的形成主要有两大要素,一是由发电厂、燃煤锅炉、涂料油漆和机动车尾气排放出的“氮氧化物”(nitrogen oxides)和“挥发性有机物”(volatile organic compounds);二是高温和光照。每当夏季来临,气温升高(rising temperature),光照增强,加之污染物排放,臭氧极易发生超标现象。

按照空气质量标准,当臭氧1小时平均浓度超过200微克/立方米时,意味着开始造成污染。环境专家表示,臭氧能够对人体产生较大危害:臭氧会损害肺功能(harm lung function)、刺激呼吸道(irritate the respiratory system),引起气道反应和气道炎症增加、哮喘加重等。高浓度持续性的臭氧污染可能导致人流泪(watering eyes)、眼睛疼(sore eyes)、头痛(headache)等症状出现,更严重的会影响到呼吸道、心血管系统,尤其对心脏本身不好的人群,有比较严重的影响。

臭氧污染对生态系统(ecosystem)也会起到破坏作用。臭氧是一种强氧化剂(strong oxidant),其在植物表面,通过气孔扩散入理,会导致植物叶片枯黄,影响光合作用(photosynthesis),不仅表观上造成影响,如果是农作物还会影响产量和品质(having impact on yield and quality)。


慢就业 delayed employment

With the job market becoming increasingly competitive every year, a growing number of fresh university graduates are opting for "delayed employment".

According to a survey released by online recruiter Zhaopin on Tuesday, about 9.8 percent of the 93,420 graduates who participated in a written survey said they would not begin working right after graduation.智联招聘发布的调查数据显示,在接受问卷调查的93420名毕业生当中,约有9.8%表示毕业以后不会立即开始工作。

慢就业,也叫延迟就业,英文可用delayed employment表示,指一些大学生毕业后既不打算马上就业也不打算继续深造,而是暂时选择游学(go on a study tour)、支教(participate in a volunteer teaching program)、在家陪父母或者等待机会自主创业,慢慢考虑人生道路的现象。

调查报告分析,随着越来越多的95后走出校园,他们对就业的选择更加多元化,也更加青睐工作与兴趣相结合。同时,有些毕业生选择延迟就业也是为了躲过应届毕业生求职高峰期的激烈竞争(delay job hunting to avoid the competition)。


废旧手机 discarded phones

The rapid development of technology leads to frequent personal turnover of mobile phones. About 50 percent of users in China change to a new phone every 18 months, according to Chinanews.
技术快速发展导致个人手机更新迭代愈发频繁。据中新网报道,约50%的用户每18 个月就会换部新手机。

However, alongside the high replacement rate is a low recycling rate. China now has about one billion unused mobile phones, but only two percent have been recycled with most of the rejected devices improperly handled.

“废旧手机”指被废弃的、老旧的手机,所以英文可以用old and discarded cellphones表示,也可简称为discarded phones。

废旧手机回收后,一般有三种去向:较新、损坏程度较小的手机经过分类处理、翻新后流入二手市场(refurbished and resold to users on second-hand market);有一定损坏不能直接使用的手机,可用零部件会被拆解再利用(recycled for components that can be reused);完全无法使用的,经过原材料提炼后,作为垃圾焚烧处理(units that cannot be reused are incinerated after extracting their precious metals)。

但是目前,我国废旧手机回收面临回收价格偏低(low recycling price)、存在个人隐私泄露风险(risk of privacy disclosure),以及相关行业政策不完善(lack of sound policies)等问题。

业内人士建议,未来,在发展新机销售市场的同时,市场应该培育消费者“以旧换新”的习惯(develop the habit of part-trading their old devices for a replacement),同时建立畅通、可靠的回收渠道(establish smooth and reliable recycling channel),来提高废旧手机回收率。


共享单车 shared bikes

On Monday, the Ministry of Transport released a draft guideline to encourage and regulate the development of shared bikes, soliciting public opinions for two weeks.

互联网租赁自行车(internet bike rental),俗称“共享单车”(shared bikes),是分时租赁营运非机动车,是移动互联网和租赁自行车融合(integration of mobile internet and bike rental)发展的新型服务模式,是城市绿色交通系统(green transportation system)的组成部分,是方便公众短距离出行和公共交通接驳换乘的重要方式。

意见稿要求共享单车实行实名制注册(real name registration)、使用,要求共享单车企业为用户购买人身意外伤害险(personal accident insurance)和第三者责任险(third-party liability insurance),鼓励其采用为用户提供免押金租车服务,并要求推广运用电子围栏(electronic fence)等技术。

意见稿称,不鼓励发展共享电动自行车(shared e-bikes are discouraged)。根据意见稿,各城市政府要合理布局自行车交通网络和停车设施(reasonably plan share-bike networks and parking facilities),建设自行车道和自行车停车点位(designated bike parking areas)。共享单车企业不得向未满12岁的儿童提供服务。

意见稿指出,要加强信用管理,建立企业和用户信用基础数据库(establish a user and enterprise credit database),对企业和用户不文明行为和违法违规行为记入信用记录(violations by enterprises and users will be written into their credit record),建立守信激励和失信惩戒机制。


逆周期因子 countercyclical factor

China is considering introducing a "countercyclical factor" to adjust the way it calculates the yuan's daily reference rate against the dollar, according to a statement by the country's foreign exchange trading system on Friday.

当前我国外汇市场(foreign exchange market)可能仍存在一定的顺周期性,容易受到非理性预期的惯性驱使(prone to the habitual influences of irrational expectations),放大单边市场预期(one-way market expectations can sometimes be exaggerated),进而导致市场供求出现一定程度的“失真”,增大市场汇率超调的风险。

汇率根本上应由经济基本面( economic fundamentals)决定,但在美元指数出现较大幅度回落、我国主要经济指标总体向好(China's economic fundamentals have improved in general)的情况下,人民币对美元市场汇率多数时间都在按照“收盘价+一篮子货币汇率变化”机制确定的中间价的贬值方向运行。

人民币对美元汇率中间价报价模型中引入逆周期因子(countercyclical factor),有助于适度对冲市场情绪的顺周期波动(procyclical fluctuation),合理引导市场预期,遏制市场非理性炒作行为,缓解外汇市场可能存在的“羊群效应”(lessen possible "herd effects"),从而避免人民币汇率剧烈波动(prevent excessive fluctuation of the yuan)。

“羊群效应”(head effect)也称“从众心理”,在资本市场上,“羊群效应”是指在一个投资群体中,单个投资者总是根据其他同类投资者的行动而行动,在他人买入时买入,在他人卖出时卖出。

招商证券首席宏观分析师谢亚轩表示,加入逆周期调节因子,一定程度上会削弱上日收盘价对中间价的影响(diminish the impact of the previous day's closing price on the central parity rate),并减少外部市场过度波动带来的冲击,保持人民币汇率总体基本稳定。


单一窗口 single window/single-window system

The State Council's executive meeting on May 24 announced that a "single-window system" will be adopted at all ports nationwide by the end of the year, according to a statement released on Wednesday after the meeting, which was presided over by Premier Li Keqiang.

今年的《政府工作报告》提出“推广国际贸易‘单一窗口’,实现全国通关一体化”(extend the practice of processing international trade through a single window, and achieve nationwide integration of customs clearance procedures)。

“单一窗口”(single-window system)指的是指参与国际贸易和运输的各方(all parties involved in international trade and transport),通过单一的平台提交标准化的信息和单证以满足相关法律法规及管理的要求,也就是说,所有的进出口手续可以一站式办理(all export and import procedures can be done at one stop),货物清关流程更加便捷、顺畅。

国务院常务会议指出,建立进出境申报(customs declaration)、物流监控(logistics monitoring)、企业资信(enterprise credit standing)等数据共享平台(information sharing platform),凡可通过口岸部门间联网查验的证件、资料不再要求企业提供,最大限度实现申报、查验、税费支付等各环节无纸化。

(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)

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