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国家人力资源和社会保障部信息中心主任翟燕立在福州签发全国首张电子社保卡 |
1. 长江考察
trip along the Yangtze River
The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation can only be achieved through untiring struggle.
We must rely on our own efforts, and hold the great strength in our hands.
To get core and key technology, begging alms won't work. We must rely on our own hard work.
Restoration of the river's ecological environment is an arduous task that the new era has entrusted to us and the high expectations of the people.
We must not allow the ecological environment of the Yangtze River to continue deteriorating in the hands of our generation, and we must leave our descendants a clean and beautiful Yangtze River.
We must proceed from the long-term interests of the Chinese nation to put restoring the ecological environment of the Yangtze River at a dominant position, making all-out efforts to protect it, and forbidding large-scale development of the river.
The aim is to build the economic belt into a golden economic belt featuring more beautiful ecology, more smooth transport, more coordinated economy, more integrated market and more scientific mechanisms.
First, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between pressing ahead on the whole and making breakthroughs in key areas, so as to protect and restore the ecological environment of the Yangtze River in all aspects.
Second, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between ecological environment protection and economic development, and explore a new path which puts ecology first while pursuing green development.
Third, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between making an overall plan and making unremitting efforts, and stick to a single blueprint until the end.
Fourth, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between getting rid of old growth engines and cultivating new engines, and facilitate the establishment of a modern economic system for the Yangtze River economic belt.
Finally, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between developing individually and developing in a coordinated way so as to make the economic belt an efficient economic entity.
生态环境 ecological environment
黄金经济带 golden economic belt
新动能 new engines
现代化经济体系 modern economic system
协同发展 develop in a coordinated way
2. 朝韩首脑会晤
inter-Korean summit
The Republic of Korea (ROK)'s President Moon Jae-in and top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un began formal talks in the South Korean side of the border village of Panmunjom in the third-ever inter-Korean summit Friday.
当地时间9时30分许,金正恩在板门店跨过军事分界线(cross the military demarcation line inside Panmunjom),进入韩方一侧,受到等候在那里的文在寅的欢迎。金正恩成为朝鲜战争后首位踏上韩国土地的朝鲜最高领导人(the first DPRK leader to set foot on the ROK's soil since the end of the Korean War)。
在金正恩的邀请下,两人携手跨越军事分界线,在朝方一侧短暂停留后回到韩方一侧(Kim invited Moon to step briefly across the demarcation line into the DPRK side, before the pair stepped back into the ROK territory - all the while holding hands)。随后,韩朝领导人走入会晤地点"和平之家(Peace House)"。金正恩在"和平之家"题词:新的历史从此开始——在和平的时代,历史的出发点(a new history begins now - at the starting point of history and the era of peace)。
10时15分左右,文在寅和金正恩开始进行正式会谈(launch formal talks)。金正恩在开场发言中表示,将在会谈中就朝韩共同关注的问题坦诚对话(frankly discuss issues of mutual interest),促会谈取得可喜成果(create a good result)。文在寅则指出,金正恩跨过军事分界线的瞬间,让板门店从分裂的象征转变为和平的象征(Panmunjom has changed into a symbol of peace from a symbol of division at the moment Kim walked over the MDL)。文在寅提议,希望韩朝大胆对话(engage in frank talks),共叙10年来的未尽之言,共同努力达成协议,为期待和平的民众和全世界人民(the whole Korean people and the people who want peace)献上大礼。
当日下午,文在寅与金正恩进行共同植树活动(joint tree-planting ceremony),祈愿朝鲜半岛和平与繁荣(peace and prosperity)。韩国青瓦台发言人尹永灿在板门店表示,在历时约100分钟的正式闭门会谈(formal closed-door dialogue)期间,金正恩和文在寅就朝鲜半岛无核化(denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula),构建半岛永久和平条约(the establishment of a permanent peace pact)以及改善韩朝关系(the improvement of inter-Korean ties)等问题进行探讨。下午会谈结束后,预计两国首脑将签署协议并发表联合声明(the leaders will sign an agreement and deliver a joint statement)。
这是韩朝之间第三次首脑会晤(the third-ever inter-Korean summit)。2000年,时任韩国总统金大中访朝与时任朝鲜最高领导人金正日首次会晤(hold the first-ever summit),签署了《北南共同宣言》(North-South Joint Declaration)。2007年,金正日和时任韩国总统卢武铉在平壤举行第二次朝韩首脑会晤,双方发表《北南关系发展与和平繁荣宣言》。该宣言旨在为朝鲜战争画上句号(end the Korean War),并为朝鲜半岛永久和平奠定基础。
朝鲜半岛局势 the situation on the Korean Peninsula
半岛无核化 denuclearization of the peninsula
六方会谈 the six-party talks
核安全 nuclear security
军事扩张 military expansion
3. 电子社保卡
electronic social security card
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued China's first electronic social security card on Sunday to a woman surnamed Liu from Qingdao, Shandong.
这是人社部签发的第一张全国统一的电子社保卡(electronic social security card),意味着社保卡线上线下功能(online and offline functions)全面打通。据介绍,电子社保卡作为社保卡线上应用的有效电子凭证,与实体社保卡一一对应(correspond with an actual social security card)。与实体社保卡一样,电子社保卡全国统一、全国通用(can be used across the whole country),具有身份凭证、信息记录(information record)、信息查询(information queries)、医保结算、缴费(medical insurance settlements and payments)及待遇领取、金融支付等功能。
社保卡持有者(social security card holders)随时随地都可通过授权应用获取电子社保卡(receive an electronic social security card at any time from authorized apps),这项服务将在青岛和福州试点(be piloted in Qingdao and Fuzhou)。截至今年第一季度,我国社保卡持卡人数为 11.2 亿人(China has 1.12 billion social security card holders),普及率达 80.6%。社保卡已用于各行各业,包括医保结算和就业服务(employment services),对其的应用还将扩至提供居民卫生服务、发放经济补贴等其他公共服务领域(be expanded to other public service fields such as providing residential health services and issuing financial subsidies)。
社会保障体系 social security system
社会福利 social welfare
基本保障 basic guarantee
民生 people's livelihood
4. 全域限购政策
islandwide quota policy
Hainan has announced a strict, islandwide quota policy to curb speculation in the housing market and better promote building the island into a pilot international free-trade zone.
今年3月31日,海南省住建厅发布《关于做好稳定房地产市场工作的通知》,规定五指山、保亭、琼中、白沙4个中部生态核心区(central ecological core areas)市县建设的商品住宅只能销售给本市县居民(only open for purchase by local residents);非本省户籍居民家庭在海口、三亚、琼海实行限购的区域购房,须提供至少一名家庭成员在海南省累计60个月及以上个人所得税或社会保险缴纳证明(tax records or social security payments for the past 60 months in Hainan from at least one member of the applicant's family)。
此次出台的全域限购政策(islandwide quota policy)规定,除上述区域外,非本省户籍居民家庭购买住房的,须提供至少一名家庭成员在海南累计24个月及以上个人所得税或社会保险缴纳证明;自本通知发布后,户籍新迁入本省的居民家庭(household registration newly transferred to Hainan)只能购买一套住房,并须提供至少一名家庭成员在海南省累计24个月及以上个人所得税或社会保险缴纳证明。
同时,海南省还规定了严格的限贷和限制转让(restrictions in loan and transfer)措施。非本省户籍居民家庭在海南省购买住房,申请商业性个人住房贷款首付款比例不得低于70%(a minimum 70% down payment);居民家庭或企事业单位(enterprises and public institutions)、社会组织在海南省购买的住房,取得不动产权证满5年后方可转让。
在限制买方市场的同时,新规定对卖方市场也做出了明确要求。对取得预售许可证的商品住宅项目(commercial housing projects with pre-sale permits),房地产开发企业要公开全部房源并明码标价(clearly mark the prices of the houses),一次性对外销售(put up all the houses for sale),不得分期分批销售。商品住宅价格备案后,6个月内不得调高备案价格(recorded price can't be increased within 6 months);调整备案价格的须重新备案。此外,海南省将大幅减少直至停止供应外销商品住宅项目用地。
首付 down payment
按揭贷款 mortgage
房产估值 assessed value
预售条款 due-on-sale provision
固定利率贷款 fixed-rate mortgage
房屋限购 purchase limits for real estate
5. 高速气动悬浮列车
high-speed aerotrain
A high-speed aerotrain that could run 400 to 500 kilometers per hour is being developed by China and Japan in a joint effort, the Chongqing Morning Post reported.
对外公布的这款高速气动悬浮列车(high-speed aerotrain)模型长一米多,子弹头车头似高铁列车,车身则有环形翼(annular wing)和气流推进器(airflow propeller),又跟飞机有些相似。重庆理工大学领衔参与高速气动悬浮列车研发的教授赖晨光介绍,这样的高速气动悬浮列车,完全采用自然能源驱动(fully powered by natural energy),使用成本低,速度还非常快。
赖晨光称,如果以时速500公里运行(runs at a speed of 500 km/h),气动悬浮列车的能耗仅为高铁的1/3(the energy it consumes is only 1/3 of that consumed by current high-speed trains)、磁悬浮列车(maglev trains)的1/6。得益于新设计,这款列车的负载能力也将得到提升(load capacity of the train also will be enhanced)。
他表示,高速气动悬浮列车第一代、第二代样式试制及实车试验(trial manufacturing and test runs of the first and second generation aerotrain)已经在日本完成。根据规划,日本将于2025年开通第一条高速气动悬浮列车线路(the first high-speed aerotrain line)。接下来,中日团队将基于新设计的"LOOP"造型,为其配备阻燃性的镁合金车身(train body made of magnesium alloy)并开展更加深入的试验研究与验证。
动车 bullet train
无轨列车 virtual rail line
轻轨列车 light rail train
无人驾驶地铁列车 unmanned subway trains
城际高铁 intercity high-speed rail
交通强国 a country with strong transportation network
Text "CD" to 10658000.
Twice a day (Mon-Fri), 5 yuan a month.
(来源:CHINADAILY手机报 编辑:马文英、丁一、丹妮)
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