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Inglourious Basterds《恶棍特工》精讲之四

[ 2010-01-06 13:05]     字号 [] [] []  
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Inglourious Basterds《恶棍特工》精讲之四

Aldo: Before we yank that slug out of you, you need to answer a few questions.

Frau von Hammersmark: Few questions about what?

Aldo: About I got three men dead back there. Why don't you try telling us what the fuck happened?

Frau von Hammersmark: The British officer blew his German act and the Gestapo major saw it.

Aldo: Before we get into who shot John, why'd you invite my men to a rendezvous in a basement with a bunch of Nazis?

Frau von Hammersmark: I can see since you didn't see what happened inside, that the Nazis being there must look odd.

Aldo: Yeah, we got a word for that kind of odd in English. It's called suspicious.

Frau von Hammersmark: (Exclaiming) Everybody needs to calm down. You're letting your imagination get the better of you. You met the sergeant yourself. Willi. You remember him, don't you?

Aldo: Yeah, I remember him.

Frau von Hammersmark: His wife had a baby tonight. He had just become a...He had just become a father! His commanding officer gave him and his mates the night off to celebrate. (Groans) The Germans being there was either a trap set by me or a tragic coincidence. It couldn't be both. (Grunting)

Aldo: How'd the shooting start?

Frau von Hammersmark: The Englishman gave himself away.

Aldo: How'd he do that?

Frau von Hammersmark: He ordered three glasses. We order three glasses. That's the German three. The other looks odd. Germans would and did notice it. (Breathing deeply)

Aldo: Okay, let's pretend there were no Germans and everything went exactly the way it was supposed to. What was the next step?

Frau von Hammersmark: Tuxedos. To get them into the premiere wearing military uniforms with all the military there would've been suicide. But going as members of the German film industry, they wear tuxedos and fit in with everybody else. I arranged for the tailor to fit three tuxedos tonight.

Aldo: How'd you intend to get them in that premiere?

Frau von Hammersmark: Hand me my purse. Lieutenant Hicox was going as my escort. The other two were going as a German cameraman and his assistant.

Aldo: You still get us in that premiere?

Frau von Hammersmark: You speak German better than your friends? No. Have I been shot? Yes! I don't see me tripping the light fantastique up a red carpet anytime soon. Least of all, by tomorrow night. However, there's something you don't know. There've been two recent developments regarding Operation Kino. One, the venue has been changed from The Ritz to a much smaller venue.

Aldo: Enormous change at the last minute? That's not very Germatic. Why the hell is Goebbels doing stuff so damn peculiar?

Frau von Hammersmark: It probably has something to do with the second development.

Aldo: Which is?

Frau von Hammersmark: Der Fuehrer is attending the premiere.

Hitler: (Speaking German)

Donny Donowitz: Fuck a duck!

Frau von Hammersmark: What are you thinking?

Aldo: I'm thinking getting a whack at planting old Uncle Adolf makes this horse a different color.

Frau von Hammersmark: What is that supposed to mean?

Aldo: It means you getting us in that premiere.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. yank: 猛拉。例如:I yanked him to the window by his shirt collar.(我使劲拉着他的衬衫领,把他拖到窗边。)

2. slug: 子弹。

3. blow: <口> 把……弄得一团糟,搞砸,笨手笨脚地把……弄坏。影片中英国军官假扮德国军官,结果露出破绽,把事情搞砸了。看一下例子:blow the negotiations and cause war(使谈判破裂而引起战争)。

4. get into: 查明。

5. rendezvous: 约会;会面

6. odd: 古怪的。请看例子:It is odd that I cannot remember Mary's address.(奇怪的是我竟然记不得玛丽的地址。)

7. get the better of: 战胜,占上风。影片中Hammersmark请Aldo冷静,不要让想象力占了上风,也就是不要被没有根据的猜测所左右。看一下例子:

He tried to get the better of his sleepiness.(他试图克服自己的睡意。)

She always gets the better of these arguments.(她在这类争论中总是占上风。)

8. give away: 泄露,暴露。看一下例子:Don't lie! Your face gives you away.(别说谎!从你的表情可以看出你在说谎。)

9. fit in with: 使与……一致。影片中Hammersmark指特工们要穿上晚礼服,和其他人相一致,才能成功地混进去。请看例子:We must fit our plans in with yours.(我们必须使我们的计划与你们的相一致。)

10. venue: 举行场所。

11. That's not very Germatic: 这不太符合德国人的行事作风。德国人的行事作风一般比较严谨,喜欢按照规矩和制度来办事。

12. whack: 机会,尝试。例如:have a whack at lifting the rock(试着举起石块)



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