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Up in the air《在云端》精讲之二

[ 2010-04-14 16:50]     字号 [] [] []  
免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009




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Craig: Welcome home, boys. I know there's been a lot of whispering about why we're here, so let me jump right in. Retailers are down 20%. Auto industry is in the dump. Housing market doesn't have a heartbeat. It is one of the worst times on record for America. This is our moment. Now, last summer, we received a dynamite young woman here from Cornell, and she had some pretty big ideas that she challenged me with. And my first reaction was, "Who does this kid think that she is?" But after I gave it a listen, she really knocked me out. So, with a peek into our future, Natalie Keener.

Natalie: If there's one word I want to leave you with today, it's this.

Colleague: "Glocal"?

Natalie: Glocal. Our global must become local.This company keeps 23 people on the road at least 250 days a year. It's expensive, and it's inefficient. When I came to Craig three months ago with this, he told me, and quite astutely, it's only a problem if you have a solution. Well, today I stand before you with just that. You all know Ned in reception. Today I'm gonna fire Ned. Sorry, Ned. I'm sure HR will hire you back this afternoon.

Craig: We'll see about that.

Natalie: Now Ned could be any employee in any one of our clients' locations worldwide. Strategy packets will be shipped in advance. Ned would be given a seat and find one of our transition specialists waiting for him. Mr. Laskin, the reason we're having this conversation is your position is no longer available.

Ned: I don't understand. I'm fired?

Natalie: Hearing the words "you've been let go" is never easy. Change is always scary, but consider the following. Anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you are now. And it's because they sat there that they were able to do it.

Ryan: That's my fucking line.

Ned: But what happens now?

Natalie: This is the first step of a process that will end with you in a new job that fulfills you.

Ned: Yeah. But how does it work?

Natalie: I want you to take the packet in front of you. Review it. All the answers you're looking for are inside. Start filling out the necessary information, and before you know it, you'll be on your way to new opportunities. Now, Ned, I need you to go back to your desk and start putting together your things. As a favor to me, I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread the news just yet. Panic doesn't help anyone.

Ned: I understand.

Natalie: Give it up for Ned. You can start the morning in Boston, stop in Dallas over lunch, and finish the day in San Francisco, all for the price of a T1 line. Our inflated travel budget is eviscerated by 85%. And more importantly to you guys on the road, no more Christmases in a hotel in Tulsa, no more hours lost to weather delays. You get to come home.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. jump right in: jump in用来指“匆忙行事,急于行动”,在此处克雷格的意思是“那我就开门见山了。”

此外,jump in还可以表示“打断谈话、插话”,例如:If you have any questions, jump right in.(如果有什么问题,就直接说。)

2. don't have a heartbeat:没有心跳,在这里指汽车工业“完全溃败,一蹶不振”。

3. glocal: 全球本地化,global和local的合成词。这种进程也称为glocalization

By definition, the term "glocal" refers to the individual, group, division, unit, organization, and community which is willing and able to "think globally and act locally."


"Glocals" is a term often used to describe a new social class: expat managers who travel often and switch homes often, and are therefore both global and local.


4. see about:调查,考虑。克雷格此处是在开完笑说“那可不一定”。

例如:Since I am a stranger in this city, I have to see about where I take bus No.3.(因为对这个城市不熟,我得问问到哪儿坐3路车。)

5. transition specialist:职业转换专家,也就是“裁员专家”。

6. line:台词。瑞恩的意思是“这分明是我的一套说辞。”

7. as a favor to me: 算帮我个忙。“帮我个忙”还可以用do me a favor来表示。

8. T1:传输速率可达1.544Mb/s的通讯线路。

9. eviscerate:除去精华,除去主要部分。娜塔莉在这里的意思是“我们昂贵的出差预算能削减85%”。



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