张明权 |
Unemployment hit English and computer majors the worst
As revealed by the recent report issued by MyCOS, a third-party research agency, the employment rate of 2009 graduates from China’s model higher vocational colleges reaches 88.1%, surpassing that of 87.4% of graduates from colleges and universities not included in the 211 Project. According to the investigation on college and university graduates of three consecutive years in view of specialty structure, approximately 30% of the unemployed invariably come from English, accountancy and computer majors. A shift in the social demand for these majors is perceived, so it is imperative that the structure of China’s higher education be optimized.
翻译是一件细活。虽然21世纪是翻译理论大发展的时代,但翻译仍然是一点一点做出来的。我想到了制作陶器,任何理论也代替不了工艺师的亲手制作,翻译同样包含丰富的“匠工”,它也不是理论能够代替的。所以这一期点评我就不谈理论了,我们还是具体来看一个个活生生的问题吧。 “失业重灾区”是个比喻,在标题中不需要直译,在网友给出的译文中也是如此,虽然有些表达还不够准确。“重灾区”直译是disaster-stricken area,其中用到“strike”这个概念,因此可以考虑用同义词hit来翻译上述标题:Unemployment hit English and computer majors the worst. “第三方”是个法律用语,译成英文是 the third party,问题是它在本文语境中该怎样表述最合适?“第三方调查公司麦可思”中“第三方调查公司”是“麦可思”的同位语,是对公司性质的界定,所以最好翻译成MyCOS, a third party research agency。“调查公司”如果翻译成survey company在这里不是很合适,因为就业率的研究依赖的不是民意调查和测验,而是系统的科学研究。对于公司名称的拼写,一定要根据公司自己的命名进行翻译,不可凭臆想或简单的以汉语拼音代替,比如Maikesi, Macos, Michael等都是错误的。关于“高职院校”,中国日报网站有一个短文讨论过,http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/language_tips/news/2009-09/15/content_8694610.htm,后面有我的一个跟贴,抄录如下:我觉得高职院校翻译成 higher vocational school虽然可以,但并不容易被英美人理解。根据英国的教育体系,高职院校就是那些non-degree vocational colleges,包括polytechnic以及university of applied sciences;根据美国的体系,则有postsecondary vocational institutions。经查网络发现,Wikipedia在介绍Finland的职业教育时使用了higher vocational school一词,也许根据中国人的心理,最好是叫higher vocational colleges,这样也许更能满足各职业技术学校纷纷升格办教育的一点小小的虚荣心。这里的“示范性高职院校”类似于房地产中的“样板房(model houses)”,所以翻译成model higher vocational schools (或colleges)就可以了。 “持续性集中”是与“连续三年”相呼应的,就是指在“被调查的这几年里所产生的连续性和集约性”,语义有所重复,可以在同一句子综合考虑简化翻译,我使用了invariably这个词。网友helen-li在这个地方处理的也较好。 “转向”是指对特定专业毕业生需求上的变化,在这里网友总体上给人的感觉是没有交代清楚。“显示出社会需求数量转向”可以翻译成:a shift in the social demand for these majors is perceived,“数量”一词可以不用直接译出来。 “亟待优化”这一句可以用虚拟语态:it is imperative that the structure of China’s higher education be optimized.
Census Commences
On August 16, 100,000 census workers in Beijing started to enumerate people from door to door and prepare for the national census. The work is to be accomplished on September 15. The family and personal information collected by the census organization from the citizens in the 6th national census shall be kept secret, shall not disclosed to any corporate or natural persons, and no administrative punishment shall be enforced in accordance with the information hereupon obtained.
“拉开序幕”就是开始,可以用正规一点词,比如commence。当我写下这两个词的时候,才发现它们押了头韵,这样我就更确定可以这样翻译了。网友的翻译不够简洁,比如翻译成:Population census has started。 “逐门逐户”就是from door to door,汉语“逐门逐户”是互文结构,在古汉语“门”和“户”都可以指门。下文的“入户调查”可以省略不译。 “户口整顿和摸底”比较难翻译,“整顿”用regulation较好,“摸底”是指“预普查”,即census preparation。然而实际翻译时,考虑到文化差异,感觉对于这件事还是说的委婉一点的好,中国是世界上少数实行户口制度的国家,整顿户口往往容易给西方人造成一种侵犯人权的感觉。Connie1990翻译的相对简单明了:On August 16th, about 10000 census enumerators in Beijing started to undertake census work from door to door. 我在翻译“公民提供的家庭及个人信息”时略有迟疑,最终选择了family and personal information collected from the citizens,主要是想强调政府应该承担的保密责任。 “据此”在这里是一个法律用语,是指根据普查所获得的公民的家庭和个人信息,为了体现法律语言的严肃性,这里可以翻译成in accordance with the information hereupon obtained。在最后这句英语翻译中,我使用了三个shall以强调人口调查中所涉及的法律问题的严肃性。
译题三:七夕送竹简 情书沉甸甸
Love letter on bamboo slips for Chinese Valentine’s Day
Today (August 16) is Chinese Valentine’s Day, which is called Qixi Festival in China and falls on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month in Chinese calendar each year. In contrast to the fervent Western festival, Chinese Valentine’s Day highlights tender love. A survey shows that gifts of a strong “Chinese flavor” are most popular with young couples. It borders on a “poor taste” to send those traditional gifts on Chinese Valentine’s Day, for they lose sight of Chinese culture. At this festival, there arises among netizens a craze for a “bamboo letter” meant to show “yuan fen”, the predestined link between two lovers. The love letter, written by hand in small regular characters, is a bundle of several bamboo slips that stretches to 4 meters long but rolls up to a diameter of 12 centimeters. The letter typical of traditional Chinese culture is priced between 100 to 200 yuan. And it is more romantic than an electronic love letter and “heavy” enough to bear the love’s labor.
说“七夕”是中国的情人节,足见中国文化在全球化语境中的地位,因此向西方人介绍中国文化,难免要啰嗦一些,所以我在翻译的开头适当补充了一些信息。原文指出了中西情人节的差异,一个“热情奔放”,一个“含蓄隽永”,那么在翻译的时候就要在形容词上下功夫,这里不宜直译,直译会显得很拖沓,也不见得能准确表达想要表达的思想,所以我选择了fervent与tender两个形容词。 “中国风情”是Chinese flavor, typical of Chinese customs and habits的意思。不少网友用的是Chinese style,我觉得不如Chinese flavor形象,后者应用了比喻。 “三俗”是新近流行的中国政治词汇,说七夕送老套的礼物还真有点“三俗”本身是中国社会语言顺从主流意识形态的常规方式,类似于西方社会所说的“政治正确”,从语言学的角度看则是对“时尚词”的跟风。但在本文语境中,作者对“三俗”的使用带有少许戏谑的味道,所以不少网友都把它翻译成了out of fashion一类的意思。我在翻译的时候试图靠近原文,所以选择了poor taste这个表达方式。 “竹简”是bamboo slips,“竹简情书”就是love letter on bamboo slips,也可以简称bamboo love letter。 “很有古人遗风”无需直译,我把它翻译成typical of traditional Chinese culture(带有中国传统文化的色彩),这样英语读者就比较容易理解为什么要用竹简写情书了。这篇文字还有几个难点,包括“网上凸显‘缘分’”、“沉甸甸的情书”等,大家可以看参考译文中我的处理,最后一句有所补充,是否超越了翻译的界限,欢迎批评指正。
英译汉 真的译成汉语了吗?
张明权,安徽省固镇县人,江苏大学外国语学院副教授,英语语言文学硕士,上外博士课程班进修。主要从事英语语言学和翻译学研究,在国内外学术期刊发表论文10余篇,出版译著两部,发表其他文章20余篇,有大量翻译实践经验,翻译总字数接近200万。Email: mqzhang@ujs.edu.cn。
(作者:张明权 中国日报网英语点津 编辑:蔡姗姗)